Antiinflammatory Drugs & Immunologic Agents Flashcards
amount of granular WBC responsible for much of the body’s protection against infection…dosing of G-CSF depends on the calculation of this
Absolute Neutrophil County (ANC)
occurs as a part of the human immune response, which is activated when a pathogen invades the body (EX: already having a cold)
Active Immunity
occurs from exposure to an antigen or from passive injection of immunoglobulins (EX: vaccine)
Acquired Immunity
a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction
infection fighting cells, also called immunoglobulins, released when the body recognizes a pathogen
small amount of a virus or bacteria that is capable of producing an immune response introduced to the body through vaccination
group of drugs used to treat HIV including referse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, entry (fusion) inhibitors, CCR5 antagonists & integrase inhibitors
Antiretroviral Medications
live, weakened microorganisms
Attenuated Viruses
cells counted in lab tests to determine HIV treatment…stable reflection of the immune system used in conjunction with the absolute count to monitor health status and response to medication therapy
CD4+ T cells
proteins that stimulate or regulate the growth, maturation and differentiation of bone marrow stem cells…manufactured through recombinant DNA techniques
Colony-Stimulating Factors
newer vaccines requiring a protein or toxoid from an unrelated organism to link the outer coat of the disease-causing microorganism…the linkage creates a substance that can be recognized by the immature immune system of a young infants (EX: flu type B)
Conjugate Vaccine
inactivated toxins…the harmful disease-causing substance produced by some microorganisms
glycoprotein produced by the kidney that stimulates RBC production in response to hypoxia (decreased O2 to body tissues
Erythropoietin (EPO)
drug that stimulates erythropoietins (EPOs)
Erythropoietin-Stimulating Agent
inflammatory condition that attacks joints, tendons and other tissues characterized by a uric acid metabolism disorder and defect in purine metabolism which results in an increase in urates and accumulation of uric acid or an ineffective uric acid clearance by the kidneys
current treatment recommendation for HIV that is a combination antiretroviral therapy requiring the use of at least two, maybe three active drugs from two or more classes
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) used as cancer suppressing agents (EX: Imuran, Cytoxan, methotrexate)
a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) used as interleukin receptor agonists (IL-1) (EX: Kineret) and tumor necrosis factor blockers (TNF) (EX: Enbrel, Remicade, Humira, Arava, Xeljanz)
family of naturally occuring proteins within the immune system: alpha, beta and gamma…all three can be manufactured using recombinant DNA technology…replication of viral DNA
Interferons (IFNs)
group of proteins produced by the body’s WBC- the lymphocytes…sometimes called lymphokines and found to have antitumor activities (Proleukin)
another name for Interleukins
suppression of bone marrow activity
active immunity which is genetically determined (EX: dogs immune to measles)
Natural Immunity
occurs when an individual received antibodies against a particular pathogen from another source (EX: newborns receive immunity from mother)
Passive Immunity