Ch 2 & Ch 15 Test Flashcards
Explain scientific names
Scientific names are made up of the genus name and the specific/species name
List the 8 levels of classification
Describe the 3 domains
Eukarya has a nucleus. Archae can live in extreme environments and don’t have a nucleus. Bacteria has no nucleus and can’t live in extreme places but can live in animals
Fungi- Nongreen, eukaryotic, can’t move, reproduce by spores, get food by breaking down substance then absorbing nutrients.
Multicellular, usually green, have cell walls, can’t move, use sun’s energy and photosynthesis, eukaryotic
One celled, eukaryotic, different from animals, plants, and bacteria
Multicellular, no cell walls, constantly move and quickly respond to their environment
What’s the difference between revolution and rotation?
A rotation= one spin on its axis
A revolution= a compleat trip around the sun
What’s the first law of planetary motion?
An ellipse’s maximum length is its major axis
Second law of planetary motion
Closer to sun and “shorter string” is faster revolution
Third law of planetary motion
Explains the relationship between the period of revolution and its semi-major axis
What does a planet’s period of revolution depend on?
Distance and mass
What is the chemical make of the atmosphere?
75% nitrogen, 25% oxygen, and 1% other stuff like argon
What is the shape of planetary orbits?
An ellipse shape
What is the law of universal gravitation?
The force of gravity depends on the products of the masses divided by the square of the distances between the objects
How are the kingdoms plantae and fungi different from each other?
Plantae has photosynthesis and is usually green.
How are the domains Archae and Bacteria different?
Archae can live in extreme places
Is bacteria a type of Eukaryote or nah?
No it’s a type of prokaryote because it doesn’t have a nucleus or any membrane covered organelles
Why do scientists use scientific names for organisms?
So scientists of all languages and talk about the organisms and it gives it one global name. An organism may have many common names but only one scientific name
How does a dichotomous key help scientists identify organisms?
Uses characteristics in the process of elimination
Why doesn’t the classification system plants or animals work anymore?
Because there are new organisms that have characteristics of both plants and animals
What characteristics do the members of the four kingdoms of the domain Eukarya have in common?
They all have nuclei and membrane covered organelles
Why did Linnaeus not include kingdoms for the categories Archae and Bacteria?
Because they are kingdoms and domains at the same time
How are bacteria similar to fungi?
They can both live on other organisms
How are fungi similar to animals?
There are both eukaryotic and don’t have photosynthesis
What organism is considered the simplest animal?
The sea sponge
What is the difference between classification and taxonomy?
Taxonomy uses classification to type organisms
Do biological classification schemes changes? If yes then why?
Yes because we’re always discovering new organisms that don’t always fit in old categories
What domain does E.Coli belong to? Where do we find it?
It belongs to bacteria and it’s found in humans and animals
What kingdom does Euglena belong to?
Who was Carolus Linnaeus & what was he known for?
Founded modern taxonomy