Ch. 17-18 Algae Flashcards
- Bacteria that is photosynthetic
- Prokaryotes
Cyanobacteria Pigments
A. Chlorophyll a,d,f
B. Phycobilins
- Phycocyanin (blue)
- Phycoerythrin (red)
Cyanobacteria Description
- Photosynthesize - Produce O2
- May fix N2 in heterocyst
- Recombination but no mitosis, meiosis
- NO flagella but some move
Examples of unpigmented Bacteria
Ecology of Cyanobacteria
a. Ponds
b. Ocean (e.g. Synechococcus) common cyanobacteria that lives in the ocean
c. Hot Water - precipitates calcium carbonate
d. Stromatolites
e. Algal blooms: Nostoc, Anabaena, Microcystis
f. Fertilize rice fields
g. Symbionts
Symbionts (Symbiotic Cyanobacteria)
Azola Ferns
- they do not have mitochondria but are photosynthetic
- have chlorophyll a & b but no phycobilins or phycocianbs
Phylum Chlorophyta
Green Algae
Phylum Chlorophyta description
a. unicells, filaments, sheets, colonies, spheres, stars
b. Fresh ??
Unicellular Phylum Chlorophyta
- Motile: Chlamydomonas, Chorella
- Cup shaped chloroplast
- Desmids - star or crescent shaped
- Acetabularia (Mermades wine glass)
Filamentus Phylum Chlorophyta
- Spirogyra - reproduction via conjugation
- Oedogonium - a great food source for the future.
- Hydrodictyon - makes a network
Colonial (multicellular) Phylum Chlorophyta
- Ulva
- Volvox - ball of several hundred cells
Ceonocytic (multinuclear and one cell) Phylum Chlorophyta
- Codium
Characteristics of Phylum Chromaphyta in common with
a. Chlorophyll a + carotenoids, xanthophylls (Fucoxanthin)
b. Store food energy as oil or carbohydrate laminarin
c. Hairlike projection on flagellum
Family Xanthophyceae
Yellow-Green Algae
Description Family Xanthophyceae
- Freshwater unicells
- Flagellae point opposite directions
Family Chrysophyceae
Golden-Brown Algae
Description Family Chrysophyceae
Family Bacillariophyceae
Description of Family Bacillariophyceae
- Unicellular, Diploid
- Centric, Pennate
- Frustule of pectins with silica
- Cell division
- Chlorophylls a, c, fucoxanthin
- Build a structure of pectins around themselves that is hard as glass.
Reproduction of Family Bacillariophyceae
-Half the cells of each generation become progressively smaller
- The other half remain consistent in size
- When they get really small they switch to sexual reproduction
Ecology of Family Bacillariophyceae
- Primary Producers
- Oil stores
- Diatomaceous earth
Family Phaeophyceae
Brown Algae
Description of Family Phaeophyceae
- Multicellular, diploid
- Holdfast, stipe, blade
- brown due to Fucoxanthin
- Bladders are called pneumatocysts
Examples of Family Phaeophyceae
- Laminaria (flat)
- Bullwhip kelp
- Fucus (Rockweed)
- Sargassum (little bulbs)
Reproduction of Family Phaeophyceae
Tips of thallus swells up and fills with gelatinous material.
- full of pores that contain concepticales
- in the male and female concepticals
- Female makes 8 eggs
- Male makes 64 sperm
see slide
Products from Brown algae
- ## Algin - product in ice cream to make it smooth and beer to make it foaming
Phylum Rhodophyta
Red Algae
Description of Phylum Rhodophyta
- Multicellular seaweed
- Filaments or packed into thalli
- Complex life cycles – 3 generations
- Chlorophylls a, d, phycobilins
- Storage product = Floridean starch
- Agar, Caragheean
Phylum Euglenophyta
Despription of Phylum Euglenophyta
- Elongated unicell with flexible pellicle
- Food groove
- Chloroplasts or not
- One Flagellum has a fringe of hair and the other smaller one has an eyespot
- Sexual reproduction has never been observed
Ecology of Phylum Euglenophyta
- Common in polluted Water
Phylum Dynophyta
Description of Phylum Dynophyta
- Planktonic unicells
- Covered with cellulose plates
- Two flagellae
- Many have chlorophyll a,c; Xanthrophylls
- Lots of condensed DNA
- Bioluminescent
Ecology of Phylum Dynophyta
- Warm Marine
- Red tides
Phylum Prymnesiophyta
Haptophytes (Haptophyta)
Description of Phylum Prymnesiophyta
- Small unicells w/ 3 flagellae
- 3rd flagellum - for food capture
- Chromophyte pigments: Chlotophyll a, carotenoids, xanthophylls
- Most covered with calcified plates
Ecology of Phylum Prymnesiophyta
- Planktonic Marine
Phylum Charophyta
Description of Phylum Charophyta
- Slender stalk with whorls of branches
- Green algal pigments: Chlorophylls a, b, carotenoids
- Often have calcified surfaces
- Mostly in lakes and ponds