ch 15 Cardiovacular system Flashcards
Sends oxygen poor blood to lungs and unloads Co2 , picks up oxygen
What type of circuit is this?
Pulmonary Circuit
Describe a series of events that happen to conduct a single heart beat
Hint: both atria….and ventricles
The atrial contracts(systole) and ventricle relaxes(diastole). Then atrial relaxes(diastole) and ventricles contracts(systole)
a recording of electrical changes in the myocardium during the cardiac cycle
What is this machine called?
or aka ECG
What type of polarization does the T wave do and what action does it do?
VENTRICULAR Repolarization aka ventricles relaxing
-During Ventricular systole
-AV Valves Close
a. lupp b. dupp
-During Ventricular diastole
-PULMONARY&AORTIC (semilunar) Valves CLOSE
a. lupp b. dupp
Receive blood from the arteries, and carry it to the capillaries
a.Venules b.Veins c.Capillaries d.Arterioles
Receive blood from venules, and carry it back to the atria of the heart
a.Venules b.Veins c.Capillaries d.Arterioles
Sites of exchange of substances between the blood and the body cells
a.Venules b.Veins c.Capillaries d.Arterioles
Blood vessels are organs of the cardiovascular system, what vessels count as this?
Capillaries, Venules, Arterioles, Arteries, Veins
Openings in cell membranes and between endothelial cells
Found in endocrine glands, kidneys, small intestine
a. Continuos b.Fenestrated c.Sinusoidal
spaces between cells are small cavities
Found in liver, spleen, and red bone marrow
a. Continuos b.Fenestrated c.Sinusoidal
-Hydrostatic pressure forces molecules through membrane
-Pressure is derived from ventricular contraction
What type of capillary exchange is this?
-Most important method of transfer
-Lipid-soluble substances diffuse through cell membrane; water-soluble
substances diffuse through membrane channels and slits
What type of capillary exchange is this?
-Presence of impermeant solute, such as plasma proteins, inside capillaries
creates osmotic pressure
-Osmotic pressure draws water into capillaries, opposing filtration
-Colloid osmotic pressure refers to pressure due to plasma proteins
What type of capillary exchange is this?
THE _______ is a pacemaker because it initiates heart rhythmic contractionsaka heartbeat
Sinoatrial Node
What other name does Subendocardial Conducting Network have?
PURkinje Fibers
System of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that conduct cardiac impulses from the SA node throughout the myocardium
What type of system is this?