Ch. 14 - Metabolic disorders Flashcards
Recall some mucinoses.
Scleredema (of Buschke)
Pretibial myxedma
Timid lupus erythematosus
Focal mucinosis
Scleredema (of Buschke)
Thickened dermis, deep dermal mucin with widened spaces between it and normal collagen bundles.
Pretibial myxedema
Large amounts of dermal mucin. Collagen bundles separated by mucin and reduced to thin wisps. Concurrent Graves disease
Increase in dermal fibroblasts, fine collagen, and interstitial mucin.
Associated with IgG paraproteinemia
Timid lupus mucinosis
Subtle interface damage, perivascular/periadnexal lymphocytic infiltrate. Abundant mucin in reticular dermis.
What are some patterns of amyloidosis?
Nodular (light chains)
Macular (keratin-derived)
Lichen (keratin-derived)
Nodular amyloidosis
Large fissued pale pink masses, usually with plasma cells/
Focal mucinosis
Dome-shaped papule containing a pool of mucin.
Macular amyloid
Sparse pink deposits in the papillary dermis, outlined by melanophages.
Lichen amyloid
Hyperkeratosis and acanthosis with pink amorphous deposits in the papillary dermis outlined by melanophages (like macular).
Name 3 entities that present with cutaneous calcification.
Subepidermal calcified nodule
Scrotal calcinosis
Calcified vessels in subcutaneous fat with necrosis. Usually in diabetic/renal failure patients.
Subepidermal calcified nodule
Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia with transepidermal elimination of calcium. Usually an idiopathic process in children.
Scrotal calcinosis
Amorphous masses of calcium and smooth muscle throughout the dermis (indicating genital site).
Palisading granuloma surrounding amorphous gray feathery material. Crystals are brown if fixed in ethanol.
Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP)
Hyaline cuff around post-capillary venules. Absence of elastosis (behavioral)
Associated with deficiency of ferrocheletase
Colloid milium
Pale pink, fissured deposits that fill and expand the dermal papillae.
Lipoid proteinosis
Eosinophilic hyaline deposits around vessels/adnexae with onion-skinning.
Nutritional dermatoses
Pallor of the superficial epidermis and confluent parakeratosis and psoriasiform epidermal hyperplasia.
Pseudocystic space containing mucin, surrounded by muciphages and granulation tissue.
Yellow-brown radially arranged needle-shaepd refractile crystals. Vascular involvement & thrombi?

Scleredema (of Buschke)

Pretibial myxedema


Timid lupus

Focal mucinosis

Nodular amyloidosis

Macular amyloid

Lichen amyloid


Subepidermal calcified nodule


Erythropoietic protoporphyria

Colloid milium

Lipoid proteinosis

Nutritional-deficiency dermatosis

