Ch. 1 - Glossary Flashcards
Loss of cell-cell adhesion
Increase in thickness of the epidermis. Can be regular or irregular (refers to level of the rete pegs).
Branching, often referring to rete or vasculature
Asteroid body
Collections of eosinophilic material seen in sporotrichosis, also star-shaped intracytoplasmic inclusions in granulomatous processes
Ballooning degeneration
Destruction of epidermis by dissolution of cell attachments and intracellular edema
Caterpillar body
Pale pink linear basement membrane material (type IV collagen) within epidermis, seen in porphyria cutanea tarda.
Civatte/colloid bodies
Pink, globular remnants of keratinocytes
Collagen entrapment
Collagen fibers (balls) surrounded by histiocytes/spindle cells.
Cornoid lamellae
45-degree parakeratosis in a column above a focus with diminished granular layer and underlying dyskeratotic cells.
Corps ronds/grains
- Corps ronds = rounded nucleus with halo of pale dyskeratotic cytoplasm - Grain = dark blue flattened nucleus surrounded by minimal cytoplasm
Cowdry A body
Intranuclear pink inclusion of herpesvirus infection (AKA “Lipshutz body”
Cowdry B body
Intranuclear pink inclusions of adenovirus and poliovirus infections
Serum/fluid with inflammatory cells/debris in stratum corneum
Donovan body
Intracytoplasmic collections of bacteria seen in granuloma inguinale
Dutcher body
Intracytoplasmic pink masses of immunoglobulin that invaginate into plasma cell nuclei.
Loss of normal rete pattern
Eosinophilic spongiosis
Spongiosis with eosinophils in the epidermis
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
Coarse, irregular hypergranulosis associated with disruption of cell membranes (associated with keratin 1 and 10 mutations)
Lymphocytes in epidermis with relative absence of spongiosis (usually reserved for mycosis fungoides)
Lymphocytes in the epidermis with associated spongiosis (usually reserved for spongiotic dermatitis)
Papillary dermis retains an undulating pattern (usually reserved for porphyria cutanea tarda)
Flame figure
Collagen encrusted with major basic protein from eosinophils
Follicular mucinosis
Alteration of hair sheath anatomy by pools of mucin
Grenz zone
Uninvolved area of dermis beneath the epidermis or adjacent to a hair follicle (border zone)
Guarnieri body
Eosinophilic inclusions of smallpox
Henderson-Paterson body
Intracytoplasmic oval, pink inclusions of molluscum infection
Increased/decreased granular layer
Refers to the dermoepidermal junction
Kamino body
Dull pink to amphophilic basement membrane material within the epidermis in a Spitz nevus
Leishman-Donovan body
Intracytoplasmic collections of amastigotes in leishmaniasis
Lentiginous epidermal hyperplasia
Elongated bulbous rete
Lentigenous melanocytic growth pattern
Proliferation predominantly along the dermoepidermal junction
Fragmentation of neutrophils (karyorrhexis)
Lichenoid dermatitis
Interface dermatitis with destruction of the basal layer and Civatte body formation
Lichenoid infiltrate
A band-like infiltrate of mostly lymphocytes at the dermoepidermal junction
Medlar body
Brown, round structure resembling overlapping copper pennies. Divides by septation, resembling a hot-cross bun
Staining a different color from the stain itself
Michaelis-Gutman body
Intra- and extracellular calcified, concentric circular structures, seen in malakoplakia
Munro microabscess
Collection of neutrophils in the stratum corneum, as seen in psoriasis
Pale-staining smudged necrotic collagen
Negri body
Intraneuronal inclusion seen in rabies infection
Stratum corneum without retained nuclei (normal)
Pagetoid cells
Large cells with abundant cytoplasm within the epidermis
Pagetoid scatter
Buckshot scatter of atypical cells within the epidermis
Picket fence-like arrangement at the periphery
Papillary mesenchymal body
Structure that resembles the whorl of plump mesenchymal cells normally present in the hair papilla (seen in trichoblastoma and trichoepithelioma)
Exophytic finger-like projections
Stratum corneum with retained nuclei
Pigment incontinence
Melanin within dermal macrophages and free within the dermis
Psammoma body
Extracellular laminated, calcified structures seen in meningioma, papillary thyroid carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma
Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PEH)
Prominent acanthosis of the adnexal epithelium and epidermis, mimics squamous cell carcinoma. Associated with trapping of elastic fibers
Pseudohorn cyst
Keratin-filled cystic structure that results from cutting through invaginations of the stratum corneum (connects to surface, unlike horn cyst)
Reticular degeneration
Destruction of epidermis with cell membranes remaining in a net-like pattern.
Russell body
Intracytoplasmic pink collections of immunoglobulins in plasma cells, seen in rhinoscleroma and other plasmacytic lesions.
Schaumann body
Laminated calcified structure seen in sarcoidosis
Shadow cells
Cells with barely visible outlines of nuclei
Spongiform pustule of Kogoj
Neutrophils in the stratum spinosum, associated with peripheral spongiosis (typical of psoriasis)
Intercellular edema in epidermis with stretching of cell-cell junctions
Squamotization (squamatization)
Loss of cuboidal/columnar basal cells, with deepest layer replaced by polyhedral pink squamous cells
Squamous eddies
Circular whorls of squamous cells
Vacuolar change
Formation of clear spaces within the basal layer
Verocay body
Structure composed of two nuclear palisades enclosing pink cytoplasmic processes, seen in Schwannoma
Projection of papillary dermis covered by a layer of epidermal cells into a cavity.