Ch. 11 - Personality Flashcards
the long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways
personality theory (Freud)
unconscious drives influenced by sex, aggression, and childhood sexuality influence personality
contains primitive urges, impulsive, instinctual, seeks immediate gratification
attempts to balance the id with the superego, rational, helps the id satisfy desire in a realistic way
develops through interactions with others, the moral compass that tells us how we should behave based on rules.
refusing to accept real events because they are unpleasant
transferring inappropriate urges or behaviors onto a more acceptable or less threatening target
attributing unacceptable desires to others
justifying behaviors by substituting acceptable reasons for a less-acceptable real reason
reaction formation
reducing anxiety by adopting beliefs contrary to your own beliefs
returning to coping strategies for less mature stages of development
suppressing painful memories and thoughts
redirecting unacceptable desires through socially acceptable channels
Oedipus complex
desire for mother’s attention, urge to replace father
Electra complex
desire for father’s attention, urge to replace mother
collective unconscious
universal version of personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces
energized by being around others, thinking out loud, jumping topics, act first think later
energized by being alone, thinks before speaking, stay on topic, cautious
level of confidence in our own abilities developed through social experiences
thoughts and feelings about ourselves
ideal self
the person you would like to be
real self
the person you actually are
ideal and real self congruence
high congruence => greater sense of self-worth and a healthy, productive life
incongruence => maladjustment
cardinal traits
dominates entire personality (rare)
central traits
make up our personality
secondary traits
less obvious or consistent, present under circumstances
Five-Factor Model
openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeable, neuroticism (OCEAN)