Ch 1. Historical Foundations of fire and Emergency Services Flashcards
_____ are always thinking about the future and looking ahead. (1)
By _____, you can gain insight into the foundation of these organizations, avoid mistakes from the past, and identify what works in the present to serve as a guide toward a brighter future. (1)
examining the history of EMS
Your role in leadership, administration, and management can be enhanced with _____ and _____. (1)
knowledge of the history and current status of the FES profession
The history of any profession is important because it _____ and _____. (1)
explains many current policies and points to issues that remain unresolved.
Even with the lack of federal regulation, the equipment and procedures of these departments are relatively uniform because of _____. (2)
past initiatives, such as the ‘America is Burning Report’ [USFA 1973] and the Insurance Service Office (ISO) Grading Schedule
Most of the uniformity among fire service practices and equipment that exists today is a direct result of _____ for Municipal fire Protection. (2)
the ISO Grading Schedule
ISO Grading Schedule was created in the early 1900’s by _____, an organization whose members come from the insurance industry. (2)
the National Board of Fire Underwriters
Municipalities that did not adopt the ISO’s recommendations faced the threat of _____. (2)
higher insurance costs
ISO numerical rating is from Class ____ to ____. (2)
1 to 10 with 1 being the best rating
The ISO grading schedule was originally created to _____. (2)
prevent large-scale conflagrations.
The Commission on Fire Accreditation International self-assessment process can be used to measure fire department __3__. (3)
1) capabilities
2) response times
3) compliance with nationally recognized standards
In 1968, the Fire Research and _____ Act was created. (3)
In 1973, the national effort to professionalize the fire service started with _____. (3)
America Burning Reports
_____ established the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control, who did the America Burning Reports. (3)
Fire Research and Safety act
14 of the 90 recommendations formally listed by the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. (3)
1) Establish a national fire data system
2) Increase the research and medical facilities for burn treatment
3) Make fire prevention at least equal to suppression in planning priorities
4) Use women for fire service duties
5) Increase the use of automatic aid
6) Recognize advanced and special education in hiring and promotions
7) Provide federal financial help for planning, training, equipment
8) Provide ambulance, paramedical, and rescue services where they are not provided by other agencies
9) Create the USFA and the National Fire Academy
10) Enforce adequate building and fire prevention codes
11) Require smoke alarms to protect sleeping areas and automatic extinguishing systems for high-rise buildings
12) Implement fire safety education in schools throughout the school year
13) annually inspect homes for fire safety
14) Develop technology for automatic extinguishing systems for all kinds of dwellings.
Modern _____ started with the 1966 publication of the paper “Accidental Death and Disability: The neglected Disease of Modern Society,” by the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council. (3)
emergency medical services (EMS)
When the Highway Safety Act of 1966 established the Emergency Medical Services Program in the _____, The ____ was given the authority to improve EMS through program implementation and development of standards for provider training. (4)
Department of Transportation (DOT); DOT
Medics returning from _____ brought their experience to the field of prehospital care. (4)
the vietnam war
The show _____ generated an increased interest in being a paramedic, luring people nationwide to get involved with fire departments and ambulance services. (4)
To develop a professional service organization- one whose members are trained and qualified- fire and EMS professionals must rely on recognized national and international ____. In the fire service, this effort is led by _____. (4)
fire and EMS standards; the NFPA
In the early 1900s, national and regional _____ were developed in response to fires plaguing many US cities. (4)
building and fire codes
The ‘EMS Agenda for the Future’ led to the _____, created in 2000 to establish standardization, ensuring the competency of EMS professionals and working toward creating shared EMS resources for large scale disasters. (5)
‘EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A Systems Approach’
In 2009, the NHTSA created the National EMS Standards, replacing the National Standard Curriculum. These standards defined the minimal entry level educational competencies for EMS personnel as identified in the _____. (5)
National EMS Scope of Practice Model.
_____ provide training, equipment, and resources to prepare local FES organizations for terrorist activities, weapons of mass destruction and other extremist violence. (5)
The _____ has created regulations for storage, use, and transportation of hazardous materials. (5)
The _____ has developed rules to protect fire and EMS personnel against the hazardous materials that they come into contact with in their jobs. (5)
The _____ developed the National Interagency Incident Management System, now called NIMS, in the early 1970s to ensure that fire protection agencies were prepared and organized to be able to fight destructive wildfires in southern California. (6)
Forest Service
The _____ was created to protect American citizens from terrorist attacks. (7)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The number 1 priority of the DHS is to _____. (7)
prevent the occurrence of a terrorist attack.
_____ has always been more effective than responding to an emergency in progress. (7)
preventing problems
____ of all home fire deaths reported occurred in households without smoke alarms. (8)
At this time, fees can be charged only for _____ of a patient and not for emergency medical care provided by first responders. (9)
The danger that _____ is always present. (9)
inflation and increasing oil prices might cripple the economy
The only thing that is for certain, is that _____. (9)
change will hapen
A 2010 scientific-based study at NIST showed that _____ largely affects the company’s ability to protect lives and property. (9)
the size of firefighting companies
Although careless smoking habits are a leading cause of fire deaths, these deaths are decreasing thanks to _____ and _____. (9)
the increased effectiveness of smoke alarms and a decrease in the number of smokers.
Fire departments are now placing more emphasis on fire prevention, specifically through the use of _____. (9-10)
modern building and fire codes
The first step in preparation is being _____ and _____. (10)
informed and educated
One of the most important developments in the modern fire service occurred in
- Commonly referred to as the America Burning Report, the actual name was
the: (3)
Fire and Emergency Services Act
What percentage of fire
stations in the U. S. are more than 40 years old? (8)