Cervical Muscles Flashcards
O/I/A of Sternocleidomastoid
O: Manubrium, superior mid clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone, lateral half of the nuchal line
A: Same side flexion, opposite side rotation
O/I/A of Anterior Scalene
O: anteiror tubercle of TP’s of veretbrae C3-C6
I: sacelne tubercle of rib 1, superior border of rib 1
A: flexion and side flexion
O/I/A of Middle Scalene
O: TP’s of C1-C7
I: superior border of rib1
A: flexion and side flexion
O/I/A of Posterior Scalene
O: posterior tubercle of TP’s of C4-C7
I: external surface of rib 2
A: flexion and side flexion
O/I/A of Upper Trapezius
O: Superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance and nuchae liagment
I: lateral 3rd of clavicle and acromion
A: elevation of scapula and side flexion of head and neck (same side)
O/I/A of Levator Scapulae
O: TP of C1-C4
I:superior angle and medial border of scapula
A: neck side flexion
what are the 3 muscles of the erctor spine?
Spinalis (cervicis/ capitis/ thoracicis) = medial
Longissimus (cervicis/ capitis/ thoracics) = middle
Iliocostalis lumborum (cervicis/thoracicis) = lateral
what are the deep flexor muscles of the neck?
Longus capitis
Longus colli
Rectus capitis anterior
Rectus capitis lateral