Cells In Immunology Flashcards
Role of the immune system
-Role of immune system is to protect the body from damage caused by microorganisms.
-This is achieved by white blood cells (AKA Leukocytes) and various accessory cells found throughout the body particularly in the lymphoid organs
Lymphoid organs
-Lymphoid organs include BONE MARROW, THYMUS, SPLEEN, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
-Lymphoid organs are strategically placed to protect different areas of the body from infection
-Cells move between the tissues via the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Whilst they do this, they interact with each other to generate coordinated immune responses, in order to eliminate pathogens or minimise the damage they cause.
List the different type of immune cells
-antigen -presenting cells
-accessory cells
Different types of immune cells
-antigen -presenting cells
-accessory cells
-Important cells controlling the immune response
-Achieve this by recognizing molecules produced by
- Can recognise molecules on cells of body, but do not normally react against the body’s own tissues (unless in autoimmune disease)
- Molecules recognized by lymphocytes are called ANTIGENS
- Recognize foreign material by specific cell-surface antigen receptors
- The receptors are extremely diverse so that they can recognize any potential molecule encountered during individual’s lifetime
-Each lymphocyte makes only 1 type of antigen receptor- i.e. they are specific (part of ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY)
What are the 3 types of lymphocytes
-B cells/B lymphocytes which produce ANTIBODIES
-T cells/T lymphocytes which have several roles (see below)
-Natural killer cells role in antiviral defense (much less common than B and T cells)
Function of T cells
-Helping B cells to produce antibody
-Recognizing and destroying cells that have become infected with intracellular pathogens
-Activating phagocytes to destroy pathogens that they have taken up
- Regulating the level and quality of the immune response
Lymphocytes characteristics (b and T cells)
-20-40% in peripheral blood
-round nucleus which is large and produces a dark staining
-scanty cytoplasm which is barely visible,pale eosinophilic,thin rim around the nucleus
B cells
-recognise the enemy which is a b cell receptor
-receive signal fro activation:
>show antigen to CD4 T cells (antigen presenting)
>recognise multiple crosslinking(thymus independent activation)
-transform into:
>plasma cells which secrete antibodies
>memory b cells for faster recognition of the same enemy in the future
Killer T cells
-expressed cd8 glycoprotein
-killing strategy
>recognise antigen combined with class 1 Mhc
>receive signal for activation:
=with cd4 T cell help:cytokines
=without help:activation by potent APCs
-release cytotoxic proteins
+perforin which forms a pore for delivering of granzymes
+granzymes which programmes cells to die
+granulysin which stabs the cells(creates holes in target membrane and destroys it)
List cytotoxic proteins released by killers cells
T helper cells
-ExpressesCD4 glycoprotein (CD4+ T cells)
-Th1 cells
• Macrophages
• Killer T cells
• b cells
-Th2 cells
• Eosinophils
• Mast cells
• basoonlis
-Treg cells
+Inhibits dendritic cells
+Prevents autoimmunity
+Suppresses T cell
-Th17 cells
• Neutropnis
• IL-17
-Teh cells
Activates b cells for
• Isotype switching
•affinity maturation
Natural killer cells
-expresses cd16 glycoprotein,cd56 glycoprotein
-recognise antigen combined with class 1 mhc
-Signal for activation:IFN-A,AFN-B,IL-12
-release cytotoxic proteins:
+perforin which form a pore for delivery for granzymes
+granzymes:programmes cell to die
-Ingest (PHAGOCYTOSE) pathogens, antigens and cell debris and break them down
- Antibodies and other recognition molecules help in this process
- Phagocytes include blood monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils
- Macrophages can also process and present antigens so that they can be recognized by T cells
-count 40-60% in peripheral blood
-cytoplasmic granules which are neutrally staining and are pink in colour
-multyilobed nucleus’s
-killing strategy is
>recognise enemy(igG AND C3b receptors)