Calcium,vitamin D,parathyroid And Calcitonin Flashcards
Daily calcium requirements
• Daily calcium requirements are about 1g per day, however, net dietary calcium absorption is only about 150 mg / day:
~ renal calcium losses are also about 150mg/day
What are normal blood calcium levels
What hormones regulate blood calcium levels
~ 1,25-dIhydroxyvitamin D3
~ parathyroid hormone (PTH)
~ calcitonin
Role of calcium
~ neurotransmitter / hormone secretion
~ muscle contraction (actin / myosin interactions)
What type of calcium forms bones
• Calcium hydroxyapatite forms bone ~ Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
Hypercalcemia and the relationship between blood ca2+ PTH and calcitonin
Hypercalcamia is associated with high levels of circulating concentration of calcitonin
Hypocalcemia and the relationship between blood ca2+ pth and calcitonin
Hypocalcaemia is associated with low levels of pth
Synthesis of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin d3
• 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
(calcitriol) is formed from
skin cholesterol and Skin dietary vitamin D
• U-V light is required to form Vitamin D
• Vitamin D forms
25-hydroxyvitamin D
in liver
• Parathyroid hormone stimulates renal proximal tubule cells to form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
Sources of vitamin d
-diet eg oily fish eggs
-mainly formed In skin during uv light exposure
Functions of vitamin d
• 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) is then synthesised from 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 by proximal tubule cells in the kidney
• The main actions of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 include:
~ absorption of Ca2+ by small intestine
mucosa cells via calbindin
~ acts like a steroid hormone binding to specific nuclear receptors on DNA
that produce calcium transport calbindin
~ also increases phosphate uptake
~ increased calcification of bone via osteoblasts & osteoclasts
What is calcium required for
Bone remodelling and Growth
Role of parathyroid hormone
Promotes Ca release from bone when serum Ca is low (bone breakdown)
Role of vitamin d
Required for Ca absorption into bone
Role of calcitonin
Opposes PTH- Reduced blood Ca
Where’s re parathyroid glands located
4 pairs above the thyroid gland