Catullus 64.94-102 Flashcards
appetō appetere appetīvī appetītus
to seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near
aut; aut…aut
or, either…or
contendō contendere contendī contentus
draw tight; compete, contend; strive for
facing; against, contrary to; face to face; in opposition; in turn
cupiō cupere cupiī/cupīvī cupītus
to wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well
exagitō –āre –āvī –ātum
to stir up
expallescō –lescere –luī
to turn pale
frondōsus –a –um
full of leaves, leafy; woody (> frons)
fulgor –ōris m. or fulgur –ūris n.
lightning, flash, brightness
Golgī –ōrum m. pl.
a town in Cyprus noted for the worship of Aphrodite / Venus
alas! oh!
hospes hospitis m.
host; guest, visitor, stranger; soldier in billets; one who billets soldiers
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus
to throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
Īdalium –iī n.
town in Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite/Venus
immītis –e
hard, harsh, cruel
langueō –uī
to be faint, to languish, grow feeble; p., languens, entis, of the sea; of flowers, drooping
laus laudis f.
praise, approval, merit; glory; renown
magis or mage
to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more
misceō miscēre miscuī mixtus
to mix; mingle (the object with which is in dat., or in abl. alone, or w. prep.); unite; multiply; assemble, flock together; confuse, disturb, confound, agitate; scatter
wretchedly, desparately
mors mortis f.
praemium –(i)ī n.
prize, reward; gift; recompense
puella puellae f.
puer puerī m.
boy, slave
quantus –a –um
how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
regō regere rēxī rēctus
to rule, control, guide; manage, direct
saevus –a –um
cruel, savage
sanctus –a –um
consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just
suspīrō suspīrāre suspīrāvī suspīrātus
to breathe from beneath or deeply; to sigh
timor timōris m.