Catullus 64.251-264 Flashcards
aes aeris n.
copper, bronze; money
alacer alacris alacre
barbarus –a –um
foreign, barbarous, savage
bombus –ī m.
a low, booming sound
cantus –ūs m.
singing or playing; melody; song
caput capitis n.
head, one’s life; capital punishment
cavus –a –um
<p>celebrō celebrāre celebrāvī celebrātus</p>
<p>to frequent; celebrate; honor</p>
cista –ae f.
wicker box for sacred objects in mystery cults
<p>cuspis –idis f.</p>
<p>sharp point, spear; pointed stick</p>
dīvellō –ere –vellī –vulsus
to tear asunder; tear in pieces
efflō efflāre efflāvī efflātus
to blow or breathe out
<p>a Bacchic cry (untranslatable)</p>
flōreō flōrēre flōruī
to bloom
horribilis horribile
<p>Iaachus –ī m.</p>
<p>a cult name for Bacchus</p>
incingō –ere –cīnxī –cīnctus
to gird on
lymphātus (lymphāticus) –a –um
frenzied, frantic
membrum membrī n.
<p>Nÿsigena –ae</p>
<p>born on Mt. Nysa (in myth a legendary mountain in the East, birthplace of Dionysus</p>
multī –ōrum m.
obscūrus –a –um
covered, dark
orgia –ōrum n.
the rites of Bacchus
pars partis f.
part, portion
plangō –ere –plānxī –planctus
to beat
<p>profānus –a –um</p>
<p>outside the shrine, profane, not sacred</p>
procērus –a –um
tall, long
quaerō quaerere quaesiī/quaesīvī quaesītus
to seek
raucisonus –a –um
Satyrus –ī m.
a Satyr, demigod of wild places
serpēns –entis (gen. pl. serpentum) m./f.
creeping thing; snake
<p>Sīlēnus –ī m.</p>
<p>Silenus; an old man attending Dionysus / Bacchus</p>
strīdeō strīdēre or strīdō strīdere strīdī
to produce a grating or shrill sound; to creak
<p>thyrsus –ī m.</p>
<p>the stalk of a plant; a staff wreathed with ivy and vine–leaves, carried by Bacchantes</p>
thiasus –ī m.
dance in honor of Bacchus; wild dance
tinnītus –ūs m.
tympanum –ī n.
tībia tībiae f.
the larger of the shinbones; a pipe or flute