Catullus 64.112-123 Flashcards
ā ab abs
(away) from; by (agency) + abl.
commemorō commemorāre commemorāvī commemorātus
to recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record
coniūnx coniugis f.
spouse, mate, consort; husband, wife, bride, fiancee, intended; concubine; yokemate
consanguinea –ae f.
sister, female relative
finally, in the end; and then; at worst; in short, to sum up; in fact, indeed
deperditus –a –um
lost, ruined
dēvinciō –īre –vinxī –vinctus
to bind fast; bind
dīgredior dīgressus sum
to walk or go apart, aside, or away; depart; separate; come from (> di– and gradior)
discēdō discēdere discessī discessum
to go away, depart
dulcis dulce
sweet, pleasant
errābundus –a –um
prone to err or make a wrong turning; wandering
error errōris m.
wandering, error, mistake; mental derangement
fīlia fīliae f.
fīlum –ī n.
thread, string
flexus –ūs m.
curl, wave; the act of bending or curling
frūstror –ātus sum
to render vain; frustrate, baffle, disappoint (> frustra)
from that place, from there, thence; from that time, thereupon
inobservābilis –e
undetectable to the eye; difficult to trace or observe
is ea id
this, that; these
labyrinthēus –a –um
of or like a labyrinth, labyrinthine
multus –a –um
much, many
nāta –ae f.
(introduces negative purpose clause) in order that…not; (introduces negative indirect command) that…not; (introduces positive fear clause) that
praeoptō –āre –āvī –ātum
to prefer, choose in preference
quis quid
who, what
ratis ratis f.
raft; (in poetry) a ship
reflectō reflectere reflexī reflexus
to bend back, turn backwards, turn about, turn away
sōspes –itis
saved; safe; alive
spūmōsus –a –um
full of foam; foaming (> spuma)
tenuis tenue
thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble
vehō vehere vēxī vectus
to bear, carry, convey; pass, ride, sail
vestīgium vestīgi(ī) n.
step, track; trace; footstep