Catullus 63.50-73 Flashcards
absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus
be absent
aciēs acieī f.
a sharp edge; the sight of one’s eyes, vision
adeō adīre adīvī/adiī aditus
approach, go to, visit
adulēscēns adulēscentis
youth, young man
agō agere ēgī āctus
drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in
algidus –a –um
altus –a –um
high, deep; loud
amiciō –īre –icuī (–ixī) –ictus
cover, cloak
aper aprī m.
wild boar
prep. w/ acc., at, near, by; at the house of
careō carēre caruī caritus
lack, be free of
cerva –ae f.
hind, doe
columen –inis n.
roof, summit, peak; a key person, top man
colō colere coluī cultus
inhabit; till; look after
corolla –ae f.
garland, small wreath (dim. of corona)
creātrīx –īcis f.
mother, creatress
cubiculum –ī n.
cupiō cupere cupiī/cupīvī cupītus
want, desire
decus decoris n.
glory; the best of anything
doleō dolēre doluī dolitus
suffer pain, grieve, hurt; impers., cause pain, rankle
conj., as long as; (w. historical pres.) while; (w/ subjunctive) provided that; (w/ ind. or subj.) until
dīrigō (dērigō) –ere –rēxī –rēctus
align, make straight, aim
postpos. part., emphasizing prec. word: for
ephēbus –ī m.
ephebe, a Greek youth (in Athenian law, between 18 and 20)
erifuga –ae f.
a runaway slave
still, yet, even now; (introducing a more extreme case) even, actually; etiam atque etiam, ever more urgently, more and more
famula –ae f.
servant, slave
famulus –ī m.
servant, slave
fera ferae f.
wild animal
ferus –a –um
fierce, wild, savage; inhuman, cruel
ferō ferre tulī lātus
bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape, aspect, appearance
floridus –a –um
full of flowers, flowery
flōs flōris m.
flower; youthful beauty; the finest specimen of a type or class
forum forī n.
a public square, piazza
frequēns frequentis
occurring at close intervals; crowded, thronged
furibundus –a –um
frantic, excited
gelidus –a –um
genetrīx –īcis f.
mother, creator
genitor genitōris m.
father; pl., parents
genus generis n.
stock, family; offspring; kind, type; way, method, mode
gymnasium –iī n.
the athletic and cultural center of a Greek city
iānua iānuae f.
door to a house, other building, or heaven
latibulum –ī n.
hiding place, lair, den, hole
linquō linquere līquī
leave, quit
līmen līminis n.
threshold, doorway
Maenas –adis f.
a “raver” or Maenad, female votary of Bacchis, Bacchante
ministra –ae f.
handmaid, temple attendant
mulier mulieris f.
nemorivagus –a –um
forest wandering
nemus nemoris n.
a wood, forest
nix nivis f.
obeō obīre obiī/obīvī obitum
meet, go into, take on
oleum –ī n.
olive oil; by metonymy, wrestling, wrestling place
orior orīrī ortus sum
paenitet paenitēre paenituit
cause dissatisfaction or regret (impers. const. w/ acc. of person affected & gen. of cause)
palaestra –ae f.
a wrestling place, usu. a wrestling floor with adjacent changing rooms, etc.
pars partis f.
part; some; standpoint, side
patria patriae f.
Phrygia –ae f.
of Phrygia, Phrygian
pōnō pōnere posuī positus
put, place; provide
pūpula –ae f.
a little girl; the pupil of the eye
queror querī questus sum
complain, protest
rabiēs –em –ē f.
savageness, ferocity; uncontrolled emotion, frenzy
redimiō –imīre –imiī –imītum
wreathe, encircle
relinquō relinquere relīquī relictus
quit, leave, forsake
remotus –a –um
removed, remote, distant
reor rērī ratus sum
believe, think, imagine
silvicultrix –īcis f.
adj., living in the forest
soleō solēre solitus sum
to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to “know,” i.e., be sexually intimate with
stabulum –ī n.
stable, fold, shed; lair, den
stadium –iī n.
a running track
sterilis –e
incapable of procreation
tepidus –a –um
interro. where in the world? just where?
viridis –e