Catullus 63.1-11 Flashcards
acūtus –a –um
adeō adīre adīvī/adiī aditus
approach, go to, visit
adorior adorīrī adortus sum
attack; begin
altus –a –um
high, deep; loud
animus animī m.
the mind
Attis –idis m.
in myth, a eunuch consort of the goddess Cybele
canō canere cecinī cantus
capiō capere cēpī captus
catch, snatch
cavus –a –um
hollow; deep
celer celeris celere
citātus –a –um
hurried, rapid
Cybelē (Cybēbē) –ēs or –ae f.
Phrygian goddess of nature, known also in Rome as the Magna Mater
digitus digitī m.
dēvellō –vellere –vellī (–volsī) –volsum
to pluck out
still, yet, even now; (introducing a more extreme case) even, actually; etiam atque etiam, ever more urgently, more and more
furō furere
be mad or crazed; rage with passion, rave
there, in that place; then, there and then
īlia –ium n. or īle –is
groin, genitals
initium initi(ī) n.
beginning; pl. rites, mysteries, and objects used in such rites
accordingly, in consequence, so
levis –e
light in weight; light, gentle; trivial, shallow, insignificant
locus locī m. or loca locōrum n. pl.
place, region, part
maculō maculāre maculāvī maculātus
spot, spatter, stain
membrum membrī n.
any part of the body; limb
nemus nemoris n.
a wood, forest
niveus –a –um
snowy, white
opācus –a –um
Phrygius –a –um
of Phrygia (a region of NW Asia Minor), Phrygian
pondus ponderis n.
pēs pedis m.
foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship
quatiō quatere quassī quassum
rabiēs –em –ē f.
savageness, ferocity; uncontrolled emotion, frenzy
ratis ratis f.
raft; boat, ship
recēns recentis
recent, fresh
redimiō –imīre –imiī –imītum
wreathe, encircle
relinquō relinquere relīquī relictus
quit, leave, forsake
sanguis sanguinis m. or sanguen –inis n.
sentiō sentīre sēnsī sēnsus
perceive, sense, feel
silex silicis n.
any hard rock; flint
silva silvae f.
forest, wood
prep. w/ abl., without
solum –ī n.
base, floor; (sts. pl.) soil, earth, ground
stimulō stimulāre stimulāvī stimulātus
to goad on; incite, rouse, excite
sum esse fuī futūrus
to be
over, above; more; besides; prep. w/ acc., over
tangō tangere tetigī tāctus
taurus taurī m.
a bull
tener tenera tenerum
soft, tender, delicate; romantically tender (with ref. to love poetry)
tergum tergī n. or tergus –oris n.
back; hide from an animal’s back
tremebundus –a –um
shaking, trembling
tympanum –ī n.
a small drum or tom-tom, usu. as used in the worship of Cybele or Bacchus
vagus –a –um
roaming, wandering, rambling
vehō vehere vēxī vectus
convey, carry, transport