Catullus 64.180-191 Flashcards
<p>introduces an alternative question, or; introduces an Indirect Question, whether, if</p>
auxilium auxilī n.
aid, help; pl. auxiliary troops
caelestis –is m. or f.
a god or goddess
<p>cingō cingere cīnxī cīnctus</p>
<p>to surround, encircle; gird (on onself)</p>
comprecor –ārī –ātus sum
to pray to, invoke, supplicate
cōnsōlor cōnsōlārī cōnsōlātus sum
to comfort, console
ēgressus –ūs m.
escape, egress, exit
exposcō –ere –poposcī
to ask importunately; to beg, entreat, seek
fessus –a –um
tired, exhausted, weary
fidēs fideī f.
faith, trust; trustworthiness; confidence; truth of the matter
fīdus –a –um
faithful, trustworthy
frāternus –a –um
of a brother, brotherly, fraternal
fuga fugae f.
hōra hōrae f.
with the Romans, the twelfth part of the period from sunrise to sunset, an hour, in an indefinite sense, personif., Horae, arum, f., the Hours
incurvō incurvāre incurvāvī incurvātus
to bend in; bend
īnsula īnsulae f.
island; apartment block
iūstus –a –um
just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
languēscō –ere languī
to become faint, grow weak, droop (> langueo)
lentus –a –um
pliant, flexible, tough, tenacious, sticky; slow
multa –ae f.
mūtus –a –um
inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
ostentō ostentāre ostentāvī ostentātus
to exhibit, display
pateō patēre patuī
to stand open, be open; extend; be well known; lie open, be accessible
postrēmus –a –um
occurring at the latest point or period in time, last, final
besides, thereafter; in addition
earlier, preceding, before; in preference, to, rather
prōdō prodere prōdidī prōditus
to project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate; institute; extend, prolong; hand down (lore); publish/record, reveal, uncover; put out; assert; betray; give up, abandon, forsake
ratiō ratiōnis f.
account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard
relinquō relinquere relīquī relictus
to leave (behind), abandon
respergō –ere –spersī –spersus
to sprinkle over; besprinkle, stain (> re and spargo)
sēcēdō sēcēdere sēcessī sēcessus
to withdraw, detach, dissociate
sequor sequī secūtus sum
to follow; come next, come later