Catullus 64.85-93 Flashcards
alō alere aluī altus
to feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
aura aurae f.
breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven
castus –a –um
pure, spotless, chaste
color colōris m.
color; shade, quality (of style or diction)
complexus –ūs m.
concipiō concipere concēpī conceptum
to hold, conceive, become fertilized, germinate, commit; verba concepta, “a solemn utterance”
cōnspiciō cōnspicere cōnspexī cōnspectus
to observe, see, witness; notice; watch; gaze on, stare; catch sight of, be in sight of; face; have appearance; attract attention; discern
cūnctus –a –um
all, entire, all together
cupidus –a –um
desirous (+ gen.)
dēclīnō dēclīnāre dēclīnāvī dēclīnātus
to turn down or away; of the eyes, to close in sleep; (intrans.) turn aside (to), be inclined (towards)
distinctus –a –um
separate, different, distinct
ēdūcō ēdūcere ēdūxī ēductus
to bring up; train; educate; rear; lead forth
Eurōtas –ae m.
Eurotas, the river of Sparta
exardescō –ardescere –arsī –arsum
to catch fire, blaze up
exspīrō exspīrāre exspīrāvī exspīrātus
to breathe out; to expire, die
flagrans –ntis
flaming, burning, intense
flamma flammae f.
flame, blaze; ardor, fire of love; object of love
flūmen flūminis n.
river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush [adverso ~ => against current]
completely, utterly, entirely
īnferus –a –um
below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last; inferī, inferōrum or inferum, the inhabitants of the underworld (the dead and the gods of the underworld)
in this manner, thus, so; nōn ita (with adjs. etc.) ‘not so much’
lectulus –ī m.
bed, couch (dim. of lectus)
lēnis –e
gentle, kind, mild
lūmen luminis n.
light; lamp, torch; eye (of a person); life; day, daylight; ad lumina: by torchlight
magnanimus –a –um
noble–spirited, brave, bold
medulla medullae f.
marrow, kernel; innermost part
Mīnōs –ōis m.
Minos, king of Crete, son of Jupiter and Europa, grandfather of Minos, the husband of Pasiphae, one of the judges of Hades
mollis molle
soft (cushion/grass); flexible; mild, tolerable; easy; calm; weak; cowardly; unmanly; pathic; tender (women/youths); peaceful; kindly; impressionable
myrtus –ī m./f.
nāvis nāvis f.
nītor nītī nīxus sum
to press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor
odor –ōris m.
scent, smell, odor, fragrance; disagreeable odor, stench; foul fumes
praecingō –cingere –cinxī –cinctum
to encircle, stand around; to be with the tunic hitched up high, gird one’s clothes up (for action)
priusquam or prius quam
before; until; sooner than
quālis quāle
what sort of; of which sort, as
rēgius –a –um
royal, of a king, regal
suāvis suāve
agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive
superbus –a –um
arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
or (postpositive enclitic)
veniō venīre vēnī ventum
to come
vernus –a –um
of spring, vernal
virgō virginis f.
maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin