Catullus 64.382-end Flashcards
praefor –fātus sum
say as an introduction or preface
canō canere cecinī cantus
to sing
invīsō –ere –vīsī –vīsus
see, look upon
hērōs –ōis m.
demigod; hero
ostendō ostendere ostendī
to show
coitus (coetus) coitūs m.
meeting together; sexual union
caelicola –ae m./f.
an inhabitant of heaven; a god
spernō spernere sprēvī sprētum
to reject
soleō solēre solitus sum
to be accustomed
fulgēns –entis
revīsō –ere
to look at again; visit again
prōcumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to fall forwards, sink down, fall prostrate
taurus taurī m.
vagus –a –um
Līber Līberī m.
Bacchus; Dionysus
Parnāsus –ī m.
Mt. Parnassus
vertex verticis m.
whirlpool; peak, summit
superus –a –um
Thyias –adis f.
a Bacchant or Maenad
effūsus –a –um
poured forth; overflowing; thronging
euhāns –antis
crying Euhan! shrieking madly
crīnis crīnis m.
Delphī –ōrum m. pl.
place in Phocis, Greece, sacred to Apollo and Dionysus; metonymy, the people of Delphi
with striving or contention
ruō ruere ruī rūtum
to rush
fūmō fūmāre fūmāvī fūmātus
to smoke
āra ārae f.
lētifer –era –erum
certāmen certāminis n.
contest, struggle
Māvors –vortis m.
Mars (god)
Trītōn –ōnis m.
the name of a sea god; a river in Boeotia
(h)era –ae f.
the mistress of a house, mistress, lady
Ramnūsius –a –um
of or native to Ramnus; epithet of Nemesis
caterva –ae f.
band (esp. of soldiers); a crowd
tellūs tellūris f.
imbuō –ere –uī –ūtus
to drench; permeate; wet; stain
nātus (gnātus) –ī m.
lūgeō lūgēre lūxī lūctum
to mourn, grieve
prīmaevus –a –um
innūptus –a –um
potior potirī potitus sum
to obtain
flōs flōris m.
noverca novercae f.
substernō –sternere –strāvī –strātum
to lay or spread beneath; (of a woman) offer oneself sexually to a man
vereor verērī veritus sum
to fear
scelerō scelerāre scelerāvī scelerātus
to commit a crime
fandus –a –um
speakable, proper, lawful
iustificus –a –um
dīgnor –ārī –ātus sum
to deem worthy of (+acc. and abl.)
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
to look at
contingō contingere contigī contāctus
to touch
patior patī passus sum
to permit, endure