Catullus 64.50-57 Flashcards
arēna (harēna) –ae f.
sand, beach
Ariadna (Ariadnē) –ae f.
Ariadne, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, and half-sister of the Minotaur
ars artis f.
craftsmanship (cf. Gk. techne)
cēdō cēdere cessī cessum
go; go away, depart
celer celeris celere
cernō cernere crēvī certus
sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive
classis classis f.
any designated group or class; fleet
cor cordis n.
crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditus
entrust; believe
prep. w/abl., with; (archaic) by means of
Dīa –ae f.
an Aegean island, usu. identified with Naxos
still, yet, even now; (introducing a more extreme case) even, actually; etiam atque etiam, ever more urgently, more and more
exciō (excieō) –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus (–itus)
rouse (from sleep)
fallax –ācis
treacherous, deceptive
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape, aspect, appearance
fluentisonus –a –um
resounding with the noise of the sea
furor furōris m.
passion, rage, frenzy
gerō gerere gessī gestus
bear, conduct, carry on, do; wear
hic haec hoc
homō hominis m.
generic word for human; person, plur. people
indicō indicāre indicāvī indicātus
reveal, declare, disclose, show
indomitus –a –um
untamed; indomitable; violent
lītus lītoris n.
mīrus –a –um
extraordinary, remarkable
miser misera miserum
wretched, unhappy
explanatory conj., for
conj., and not yet, but not yet
first, for the first time; quam primum: as soon as possible
priscus –a –um
ancient, olden, old-fashioned, archaic
prōspectō prōspectāre prōspectāvī prōspectātus
gaze out
sōlus –a –um
only, alone, lonely
somnus somnī m.
sleep, sts. personified as Somnus
Thēseus –ī m.
son of Aegeus, seducer of Ariadne (later husband of her sister Phaedra), slayer of the Minotaur
tueor tuērī tūtus sum
look at, view, observe
part., as one might expect, as is natural
variō variāre variāvī variātus
adorn with contrasting colors; embroider; mottle, bruise
vestis vestis f.
clothing; any drapery, such as a bedspread or sail
virtūs virtūtis f.
manliness, manly excellence (cf. Gk. arete)
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
go to see; look at, gaze at, view