Catullus 63.31-49 Flashcards
abeō abīre abiī abitum
go away or out; come off, turn out; escape criticism or other consequences
aestuō aestuāre aestuāvī aestuātus
blaze; swelter; burn with pain or desire; toss about, seethe, writhe
aethēr aetheris n.
the upper regions of space; upper air
agō agere ēgī āctus
drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in
albus –a –um
white; transparent, clear, colorless
alloquor alloquī allocūtus
speak to, address
anhēlō anhēlāre anhēlāvī anhēlātus
breathe hard, gasp, pant
aureus (aurātus) –a –um
capiō capere cēpī captus
catch, snatch
Cerēs Cereris f.
Italo-Roman goddess of growth, commonly identified with Gk. Demeter, goddess of grain; by metonymy, food
citus –a –um
moving quickly, rapid, swift
comitātus –ūs m.
attended, accompanied
dūrus –a –um
hard; harsh, pitiless; dull; wooden, heavy, solid
exciō (excieō) –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus (–itus)
rouse (from sleep)
factum factī n.
deed, something done
ferus –a –um
fierce, wild, savage; inhuman, cruel
fugiō fugere fūgī fugitus
run away, flee, escape, slip off
furibundus –a –um
frantic, excited
furor furōris m.
passion, rage, frenzy
Galla –ae f.
an emasculated priest of Cybele
there, in that place; then, there and then
indomitus –a –um
untamed; indomitable; violent
accordingly, in consequence, so
iugum iugī n.
yoke; ridge
iuvencus –a –um
a young cow, heifer
labor labōris m.
labor, effort, toil
labō labāre labāvī labātus
stand unsteadily, totter
lacrimō lacrimāre lacrimāvī lacrimātus or lacrimor –ārī –ātus sum
languor –ōris m.
faintness, exhaustion, lassitude
lassulus –a –um
tired, weary (dim. of lassus)
liquidus –a –um
liquid, fluid; clear, unclouded
lūstrō lūstrāre lūstrāvī lūstrātus
purify ceremonially; move through
maestus –a –um
pitifully, in a manner that indicates pity
mollis molle
soft, mild, languid, voluptuous
nemus nemoris n.
a wood, forest
nimius –a –um
operiō operīre operuī opertum
shut, close; cover
opācus –a –um
ōs ōris n.
mouth; face, countenance
patria patriae f.
pectus pectoris n.
breast, chest; soul, heart, mind
pellō pellere pepulī pulsus
push; strike, beat; drive, drive off
piger pigra pigrum
sluggish, torpid, lazy
properipēs –edis
swift footed
Pāsithea –ae f.
one of the three Graces, wife of Somnus
quiēs quiētis f.
sleep, repose
rabidus –a –um
raging, ravening, frenzied, violent
rabiēs –em –ē f.
savageness, ferocity; uncontrolled emotion, frenzy
radiō –āre –āvī –ātum
radiate light, beam, shine
recipiō recipere recēpī receptus
receive, take in
recolō –ere –coluī –cultus
reoccupy; go over in one’s mind
reditus reditūs m.
referō referre rettulī relātus
bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ in + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category
rūrsus or rūrsum
back again; contrariwise
sequor sequī secūtus sum
at the same time, together, as well; conj., as soon as
prep. w/ abl., without
sinus sinūs m.
the cavity or fold produced by the looping of a garment (OLD); breast; bosom, refuge; a curved indentation in the coastline such as a bay or gulf
solum –ī n.
base, floor; (sts. pl.) soil, earth, ground
somnus somnī m.
sleep, sts. personified as Somnus
sonipēs –edis
a horse
sopor –ōris m.
tangō tangere tetigī tāctus
trepidō trepidāre trepidāvī trepidātus
panic; bustle, burry; tremble with excitement
tympanum –ī n.
a small drum or tom-tom, usu. as used in the worship of Cybele or Bacchus
umbra umbrae f.
shade, shadow
vadum –ī n.
a shallow piece of water, shoal; (pl.) the waters of the sea
vagus –a –um
roaming, wandering, rambling
vegetus –a –um or vegetis –e
vigorous, active, energetic; fresh
velut or velutī
just as
videō vidēre vīdī vīsus
see, perceive; pass. seem, seem good or proper
vādō vādere vāsī vāsum
advance (esp. with rapid or violent movement)
vāstus –a –um
desolate, uninhabited, featureless, dreary, endless
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
go to see; look at, gaze at, view
vītō vītāre vītāvī vītātus
avoid, evade