case 3 Flashcards
what is the PAS stain?
stains carbohydrates magenta
what is the role of the fluid inside the peritoneum?
helps movement -eg peristalsis, digestion and movements during breathing through abdomen, and limits friction.
what is the duodenum?
first part of small intestine, continuous with stomach
what can cause fluid to accumulate in the peritoneum?
liver failure
what is ascites?
abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
how would you describe the glomerulus?
a ball of convoluted blood vessels
what does angi- mean in medicine?
to do with blood vessels
what is the PCT divided into?
early and late segments.
what are some symptoms of AKI?
feeling sick or being sick. diarrhoea. dehydration. peeing less than usual. confusion. drowsiness.
what is chronic kidney injury sometimes called?
chronic kidney failure
what things contribute to the stage of CKD?
GFR, albuminuria
why is GFR measured per 1.73m2?
that’s the SA of an average human body.
what is the most common cause of CKD?
type 2 diabetes
how does CKD affect the bones?
kidneys are a key organ in the regulation of bone metabolism through regulation of calcium, phosphate and vitamin D. People with CKD sometimes find their bones get weaker and thinner. osteoporosis and osteomalacia may result.
what is osteomalacia?
refers to a marked softening of your bones, most often caused by severe vitamin D deficiency.
what are the main endocrine functions of the kidney?
erythropoietin, vit D, and renin metabolism
where does EPO production take place in adults?
85% kidney, rest liver.
what is the half life of EPO?
5 hours
when might pain be elicited when the left iliopsoas is flexed?
if the left kidney is inflamed.
what’s it called when you prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics before getting the culture results back?
empirical therapy
what is colicky pain?
related to spasm of muscles, pain that comes and goes in waves.
why do kidney stones cause colicky pain?
stone is in the ureter and so ureter squeezing around an obstruction. So when it squeezes they get pain, when it relaxes pain subsides
what is a very specific type of pain for kidney stones?
loin to groin.
what is the most commonly prescribed diuretic?