Cardiology CPR Flashcards
Cardiopulmonary Cerebrovasocular Resuscitation
Cardiopulmonary Arrest
CPA definition
The sudden cessation of spontaneous and effective ventilation and systemic perfusion
Potential causes of CPA
Hypoxia Metabolic disorders Trauma Anesthetic or other drug Environmental influences
5 signs of CPA
No palpable pulse No auscultable heart beat No ventilatory attempts Discolored mucus membranes Dilate/fixed pupils
Factors affecting survival rate
Pre-arrest condition Time elapsed since arrest Etiology of arrest Ineffective external cardiac massage Client wishes
Goal of CPCR
Provide adequate circulation until normal function returns
3 phases of CPCR
Basic life support
Advanced life support
Prolonged life support
Basic life support
Temporary support of oxygenation and circulation
Advanced life support
Drugs and dfib
Prolonged life support
Anything that happens post CPR if patient survives
Monitor pt, preform diagnostic test, support pt.
5 tasks involved in CPCR
Airway management Cardiovascular management Venous Access Monitoring Drug administration
What goes in the crash cart?
Many different sizes of IVC Tourniquet Tape/vet wrap T-ports Injection caps Hepranized flush Fluids and supplies
Epinephrine HCI
Tx of CPA
Epinephrine: 3 routes
- Endo/intratracheal
- IC
- IV
Tx of hypoglycemia
Tx of bradyarrhythmias
Tx of ventricular arrhythmias
Tx of anaphylaxis
Dobutamine HCI
Tx of hypotension and shock
Resp. stimulant
Post c- section to get neonates breathing
Signs of impending CPA
Decreased mentation – depressed
Resp. changes – rate, depth, pattern
Pulse changes – pulse deficit, no pulse
Abnormal ECG patterns – ven arrhythmias
Verify arrest
Check for femoral pulses
Listen for heart sounds -> palpate at same
Palpate for apical beat
If under GA turn off anesthesia immediately
Notify appropriate personnel ASAP
Upon verification of CPA, properly perform
A = airway B = breathing C = circulation/cardiac massage D = drugs/d fib
Ensure pt airway
- +/- clear airway -> finger sweep/suction
- Properly place ET tube
- +/- perform trachealoscopy
Ventilate at 15-20 cm H2O pressure –> max pressure when you administer a breath
Give 2 initial breaths of 1.5 sec each –> sigh breath –> re-inflates the alveoli
Breathing: ventilation rate
1 breath/3-5 compression = true CPA
1 breath/15 sec = reap. arrest
Breath can be same time as compression