Cardio Overview Part 3 Flashcards
What are the places where diffusional transport takes place between the bloodstream and interstitial fluid?
What vessels have the following characteristics?
Large cross-section area
Slowest velocity of blood flow
Large surface area
What is the arrangement of 2 systemic capillary beds in series called?
Portal system
Splanchnic portal system plays a vital tole in ____________
Renal portal system plays a vital role in the generation of _____
Hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system plays a vital role in the regulation of hormone secretion in the ________ ________
Anterior pituitary
Blood is the suspension of cells in the ____________ _____
Extracellular fluid
What is the fraction of cells in the blood called?
What is made in bone marrow and differentiated from pluripotent stem cells?
Cells in blood
Which blood cell type have the following characteristics:
Acquire their red color from Hb
Essential for transporting O2
Erythrocytes sedimentation rate
Which blood cell type have the following characteristics:
1000 times more RBC than WBC
Neutrophils, lymphocytes, …..
Essential for immune defense
Differentiated WBC count
What is the following:
Cellular fragments from megakaryocytes
ESSENTIAL for coagulation
Platelets or thrombocytes
What percent of extracellular fluid (plasma) is made of water and protein?
93% water
5-7% protein
What is synthesized in the liver?
What is the dominant cation in plasma?
What is the predominant anion in plasma?
Chloride and bicarbonate
What diffuses readily across capillary wall?
Which gas in the blood is carried in chemical combination with the protein hemoglobin within RBCs?
What is the mean quantity of Hb in each RBC?
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
What is the mean quantity of Hb in each deciliter of packed RBCs?
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
Which gas of blood becomes hydrated to form bicarbonate or combines with hemoglobin or plasma proteins to form carbamino acid compounds?