Canine Skull Foramina and Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What is CN I?
Optic nerve
What is CN II?
Olfactory nerve
What is CN III?
Oculomotor nerve
What is CN IV?
Trochlear nerve
What is CN V?
Trigeminal nerve
What is CN VI?
Abducens nerve
What is CN VII?
Facial nerve
What is CN VIII?
Vestibulocochlear nerve
What is CN IX?
Glossopharyngeal nerve
What is CN X?
Vagus nerve
What is CN XI?
Accessory nerve
What is CN XII?
Hypoglossal nerve
What nerve runs through the hypoglossal canal?
CN XII Hypoglossal nerve
What nerves run into the tympano-occipital fissure and out the jugular foramen?
- CN IX glossopharyngeal nerve
- CN X vagus nerve
- CN XI accessory nerve
The tympanic bulla is associated with what portion of the ear?
middle ear
What process covers the cerebellum?
tentorial process
What is the main sensory nerve of the head?
CN V trigeminal nerve
What nerves are associated with the internal acoustic meatus?
- CN VII facial nerve
- CN VIII vestibulocochlear nerve
What nerve runs through the stylomastoid foramen?
CN VII facial nerve
What houses the tympanic membrane?
External acoustic meatus
If you pass the tympanic membrane, then you enter what?
tympanic cavity (middle ear)
The retroarticular foramen houses what?
Retroarticular vein
The entrance into the tympanic cavity is typically sealed by what?
tympanic membrane
The retroarticular vein gives origin to what other vein?
Maxillary vein
What is the short bony canal where the tympanic membrane is attached and is the landmark between the middle and the external ear?
external acoustic meatus
What is the air filled bony cavity in the tympanic portion of temporal bone that forms the tymapnic cavity of the middle ear and where the three small ossicles live?
Tympanic bulla
The tympanic bulla should be filled with air, which means it should appear as what color on XRAY?
What fissure is located medial to the tympanic bulla?
Tympanooccipital fissure
The orbital fissure of the basisphenoid bone has what nerves?
- oculomotor nerve CN III
- trochlear nerve CN IV
- adbucens nerve CN VI
- opthalamic nerve CN V1
The round foramen of the basisphenoid bone has what nerve?
maxillary nerve CN V2
The oval foramen of the basisphenoid bone has what nerve?
mandibular nerve CN V3
What are the three branches of trigeminal nerve CN V?
- opthalamic nerve V1
- maxillary nerve V2
- mandibular nerve V3
What is the most caudal bony prominence of the sella turcica?
dorsum sellae
What is the fossa for the hypophysis, in the middle of a lrger depression known as sella tucica?
hypophyseal fossa
What nerve runs through the optic canals of the presphenoid bone?
optic nerve CN II
What is the bony groove for the nervous structure known as optic chasm that correspond to the optic nerves crossover?
Chiasmatic groove
The frontal sinus opens where?
to nasal cavity
The frontal sinus appears as what color on XRAY due to air?
dark grey/almost black
What is the bony wall between the cranial and nasal cavities?
cribriform plate
The cribriform plate of the ethmoidal bone has what nerves?
- olfactory nerves CN I
- vomeronasal nerves
The lacrimal bone has a fossa for what?
lacrimal sac
What is the bony canal between the infraorbital formane and maxillary foramen?
infraorbital canal
What nerve enters the infraorbital canal at the maxillary foramen and exits via the infraorbital foramen?
maxillary nerve CN V2
Where is a good spot to numb the maxilla?
Infraorbital foramen
The sphenopalatine foramen has branches of maxillary nerve V2 for sensation of what?
nasal cavity
The caudal palatine foramen has branches of maxillary nerve V2 for sensation of what?
The major and minor palatine foramens has branches of what nerve?
maxillary nerve CN V2
What is the bony canal inside the mandible?
mandibular canal
What is the caudal opening of the mandibular canal?
mandibular foramen
What is the rostral opening of the mandibular canal?
mental foramina
What nerve runs through the mandibular canal?
branch of mandibular nerve CN V3
What fissure sits between the basioccipital and temporal bones and connects inside with the jugular foramen?
tympanooccipital fissure
What nerves/vessels may be affected in a fracture of the tympanic bulla or an accident during a middle ear surgery?
- glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
- vagus nerve CN X
- accessory nerve CN XI
- internal carotid artery
- internal carotid vein
What foramen sits between the petrosal portion of the temporal bone and the basioccipital and connects outside through the tympanooccipital foramen?
jugular foramen
What canal is found in the most rostral angle of the petrosal portion of the temporal bone?
canal for trigeminal nerve
What contains the bodies of the pseudo unipolar afferent nerves from CN V?
trigeminal ganglion
What fissure contains the motor nerve for the extrinsic muscles of the eye?
orbital fissure
The relationship between vomer and the perpendicular plate of ethmoidal bone forms what?
the osseous part of the nasal septum
What foramen can be related with the upper 4th premolar tooth?
infraorbital foramen