Canine Male Repro Flashcards
What is the male gonad that produces spermatozoids and hormones?
What is the storage area for spermatozoa (mature sperm cells)?
What are the three portions of the epididymis?
- head
- body
- tail
Which portion of the epididymis is positioned craniodorsally?
What are the two ligaments related to the testicle and epididymis?
- ligament of the tail of the epididymis
- proper ligament of the testis
What is the genetic condition resulting in undescended testis?
Are testicles affected by temperature?
What are the five parts of a testicle?
- epididymis
- efferent ductules
- rete testis
- tunica albuginea
- testicular parenchyma seminiferous tubules
What is the scrotal position in dogs?
inguinal position
What is the scrotal covering in dogs?
sparse hair
What is important to keep in mind when amputating/docking tails?
that the tail will still cover the scrotum for males and vulva for females
What are the five layers of the scrotum?
- skin
- tunica dartos
- external spermatic fascia
- internal spermatic fascia
- parietal vaginal tunic
The skin layer of the scrotum is split into what two portions?
- epidermis
- dermis
What layer of the scrotum helps to regulate the internal temperature according with the external temperature?
tunica dartos
What is the subcutaneous tissue that forms the scrotal septum?
tunica dartos
Can cryptorchids still sire offspring?
In cryptorchids, what can be the cause of testicular cancer?
increase in temperature from testicles being in abdominal cavity
Do males have vaginal tunics?
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the cremaster muscle?
Origin: caudal free border of the internal abdominal obliquee muscle
Insertion: spermatic fascia and parietal vaginal tunic
Action: pull the testis closer to the body in reponse to cremaster reflex
What is the reflex responsible for pulling testis closer to body?
Cremaster reflex
What innervates the cremaster muscle?
Genitofemoral nerve
What are the components of the spermatic cord?
- testicular artery
- testicular vein and pampiniform plexus
- testicular nerve
- testicular lymphatics
- ductus deferens
- deferent artery and vein
- internal cremaster muscle
What are the accessory sex glands in the dog?
- prostate
- ampullary glands
What are the four functions of the accessory sex glands in the dog?
- adds volume to ejaculate to provide a vehicle for sperm
- provides a source of energy for sperm
- acts as a buffer for sperm by neutralizing the pH in urine and the CO2 produced by sperm
- production of prostaglandins that cause smooth muscle contraction of female reproductive tract
The male canine urethra is composed of what two sections?
- pelvic part
- penile part
What part of the male canine urethra is located on the dorsal surface of prostatic urethra, is a continuation of the urethral crest, and has deferent duct openings on each side?
Colliculus seminalis
What are the three regions of the canine penis?
- glans penis
- body
- root
What four parts are related to the erectile tissue of the penis?
- corpus cavernosum penis
- corpus spongiosum penis
- corpus spongiosum glandis of the bulbus glandis
- corpus spongiosum glandis of the pars longa glandis
What part of the root of the canine penis is composed of the corpus cavernosum penis and the tunica albuguinea, and is surrounded by the ischiocavernosus muscle?
What part of the root of the canine penis is an expansion of corpus spongiosum penis and is surrounded by the bulbospongiosus muscle?
bulb of the penis
What part of the canine penis is surrounded by the bulb of the penis?
What three muscles are associated with the canine penis?
- bulbospongiosus muscle
- ischiocavernosus muscle
- retractor penis muscle
Which muscle is around the bulb of the penis?
bulbospongiosus muscle
What muscle goes from the ischiatic tuberosities to the crura of the penis?
ischiocavernosus muscle
What muscle goes from the external anal sphincter to the gland, caudal and ventral position?
retractor penis muscle
The body of the penis includes what five structures?
- corpus cavernosum
- urethra
- corpus spongiosum
- proximal part of os penis
- retractor penis muscle
What part of the body of the penis is surrounded by tunica albuginea?
corpus cavernosum
In the root of the penis, what forms the bulb of the penis?
corpus spongiosum
The pelvic portion of the urethra is surrounded by what?
urethralis muscle
The penile portion of the urethra is surrounded by what?
corpus spongiosum
What five structures compose the glans of the canine penis?
- bulbus glandis
- pars longa glandis
- os penis
- urethra
- corpus spongiosum penis
What surrounds the penile urethra?
os penis
What structure in the root of the penis forms the bulbus of the penis and surrounds the penile urethra all the way toward the external urethral orifice?
corpus spongiosum penis
What structure adds rigidity for intromission, deforms apex of the penis in the vagina, and has a urethral groove on the ventral surface?
os penis
What 12 vessels (6 arteries, 6 veins) provide blood supply to the penis?
- dorsal a and v of the penis
- a and v of the penis
- internal pudendal a and v
- ventral perineal a and v
- a and v of the bulb
- deep a and v of the penis
Describe blood blow of the penis during non-erection.
blood flow to the penis bypasses the vascular spaces of the erectile tissue
Erection results from filling of what bodies with blood?
cavernosus bodies
Describe blood flow of the penis to cause erection.
- stimulation of the pelvic nerve causes relaxation of smooth muscles of the arteries of the penis allowing an increase in blood flow to the penis
- blood is directed into the helical artieries of the erectile tissue
- the penis enlarges and becomes turgid
Is erection a sympathetic or parasympathetic function?
What two things occur during ejaculation?
- secretion of accessory sex glands
- bulbospongiosus muscle contracts causing expulsion of semen
Is the secretion of accessory sex glands during ejaculation a sympathetic or parasympathetic function?
Is the contraction of bulbospongiosus muscle during ejaculation autonomic or somatic?
In the cat, the scrotum is in what position?
What is the feline scrotal covering?
lots of hair
What are the two accessory sex glands of the cat?
- prostate
- bulbourethral gland
The feline penis contains what on its distal end to stimulate ovulation of the female?
keratinized spines
The apex of the feline penis is directed what direction?
Does the feline penis contain an os penis?
What does the female do for maintenance of erection in the male?
the contrictor vulvae and vestibuli muscles inhibit venous return
What are the five male components of erection maintenance?
- neurogenic: parasympathetic stimulation, retractor penis muscle relaxed
- preputial orifice compreses dorsal veins of the penis
- ischial arch compresses dorsal veins of the penis
- ischiourethralis muscle restricts venous return
- penis twists on long axis during dismount which restricts venous return
What are the three layers of the canine prepuce?
- external lamina (haired skin)
- internal lamina
- penile lamina
The preputial fornix is also known as the?
The preputial orifice is also known as the?
The most caudal portion of the ureter is covered by what before opening into the urinary bladder?
What is the serous membrane that descends with the testicle and its structures and can be divided into parietal, visceral, and connecting membranes?
vaginal tunics
What structure refers to the ring shape border of reflection of the peritoneum at the level of the deep inguinal ring?
vaginal ring
What is the sac formed by the parietal vaginal tunic evagination out of the inguinal canal to receive the testicle, epididymis, and spermatic cord components?
Vaginal process
What is the serous tunic continuation of visceral peritoneum covering the organs that form the spermatic cord, testicle, and epididymis?
visceral vaginal tunic
What is the connecting serous membrane between the parietal vaginal tunic and mesorchium and mesoductus deferens?
What is the connecting serous membrane around the testicular vessels and nerves?
What is the connecting serous membrane around the ductus deferens and its vessels and nerves?
Mesoductus deferens
What is the serous cavity filled with serous fluid, between the parietal and vaginal tunics and the connecting membranes?
vaginal cavity
What are the erectile bodies?
- corpus cavernosum penis
- corpus spongiosum penis
- corpus spongisoum glandis
What structures are associate with the corpus cavernosum penis?
- tunica albuginea
- os penis
What structure is associated with the corpus spongiosum penis?
bulb of the penis
What structures are associated with the corpus spongiosum glandis?
- bulbus glandis
- pars longa glandis
What are the erectile muscles?
- ischiocavernosus muscles (one per crus)
- bulbospongiosus muscle
- retractor penis muscle