Camelid Reproduction Flashcards
when do SA and NA camelids breed first time?
NA - 1-1.5
SA - 2-3 (double)
Seasonality of reproduction
based on nutrition and environment not phototperiod
NA - non-seasonal
SA - dec to march
How is the diestrus uterus and cervix described in the camelid?
curved like a cow
lacking tone
Ovulatory follicles are
7-16 mm
where are pregancies carried
always in the left horn
which is the camelid male repro tract like
the cow –> no vesicular glands, epidid at top of testes, sigmoid flexure
What is different about camelids that cause induced ovulation?
regressing follicles may luteinize after breeding causing a short luteal phase,
LH rises in 15 minutes –> peaks in 2-4 hours –> 26-42 hours after mating
It appears as if non-fertile matings and spont ov make a CL, but then gone in 7 days again
what % of camelids are spontaneous ovulators
Does lactation affect camelid estrus?
yes, suppressed LH
Dx of pregnancy
P4 levels, because CL dependent for pregnancy teasing - 85% accurate rectal palp ballottement US
Gestation length of llamas and alpaca
345 llama
330 alpaca
Pressure to get them rebred for yearly offspring
what is the placentation of camelids?
diffuse microcotyledonary (same as horses)
which method of Dx do you use for which days of pregnancy?
14-18 - teasing, P4 18-100 - US transrectal after 40 days - palp 40-90 - L abd US >90 - R abd US
Parturition in a camelid is…when and with what
usually between 7 and 11 am
with the epidermal membrane - this allows them to be dry under the membrane to not shiver and be cold/wet
How soon can they be rebred?
15-20 days post-partum - uterus involuted in 21 and ovulatoryable follicles develop within 4-14 days after.
How do induce parturitition in camelids
P4 doesn’t work because it’s there the whole time anyway. so go with PGF2a 2 shots, bid and dexamethasone in late gestation
How big is too big on a follicle?
> 15mm - but may not affect new waves.
Tx of cystic ovaries
hCG - once
GnRH - 3 tid
Causes of metritis and endometritis in camelids
strep zoo, e coli again
HOw do you take a biopsy in a camelid?
2 days before, give some ECP need to sedate give some lidocaine wrap tail and wash perineum go by palp/speculum into the Left uterine horn wall, take sample, then fix it in Bouins, then put in alcohol for 1-2 days
How do we treat uterine disease?
lavage it out, then infuse AM (infusion or systemic) and prostaglandins. The prostaglandins actually do quite a lot to help with evacuation.
What is a common cause of newborn camelid death?
choanal atresia
Non-infectious causes of pregnancy loss in camelids
twins, genetics stuff, hormonal problems, nutrition, stress
Infectious causes of pregnancy loss in camelids
What is a good pasture male to female ratio?
1/30, but alternate because of loss of interest
How many alpacas can a male inseminate in a day?
What percent motile and normal sperm do camelids have compared to bulls?
25% (80 in bulls) motile
40% (80) normal
generally poor