Caffeine and Nicotine Flashcards
Nicotine is an ____ found in the leaves of nicotiana tabacum. It was first isolated chemically in _____, and is a ______.
alkaloid, 1828, stimulant
nicotine is ingested primarily by ____. A typical cigarette contains ____ mg of nicotine, but only ____ mg reaches the smoker’s bloodstream/ Nicotine enters the lungs on ____ ______ (tar), some of which are _______. Tar contributes to the ____/_____ that also contributes to the reinforcing effects of smoking
inhalation, 6-11, 1-3, hydrocarbon particles, carcinogenic, smell, taste
nicotine acts as a direct _____ to active _____ ____ receptors, which contributes to its excitatory effects on neural activity.
agonist, nicotinic cholinergic
nicotine readily passes through the absorbent surface of the ____ to the ______. It can also be absorbed through the mouth and _____. Typical smokers take about ____ puffs per cigarettes. This means 20 cigarettes is _____ puffs of nicotine. Each of these hits reaches the brain in ~____ seconds, which is ___x faster than IV. This ____, rapid, and controlled drug delivery contributes greatly the reinforcing properties of nicotine
lungs, bloodstream, nostrils, 10, 200, 7, 2, pulsatile
nicotine can exert different subjective ____ effects in smokers vs nonsmokers. Non smokers tend to have an ____ reaction, feel heightened ____ and ___, ____, dizziness, nausea, and _____ effects. With repeated exposure, ____ develop to the aversive effects. Smokers experience some mild ____, a ___ or ____ state (relief from withdrawal symptoms), and ____ suppression.
psychoactive, aversive, tension, arousal, lightheadedness, gastrointestinal, tolerance, arousal, calm, relaxed, appetite
Some mood-altering effects of smoking are ____ to nicotine intake (placebo-like effect) A study found that regular smokers smoking nicotine containing or ____ cigarettes decreased _____ _____.
unrelated, denicotinized, negative affect
nicotine can have ____ enhancing effects, particularly on _____, primarily via actions on _____ transmission. Nicotine tends to act as a protective factor against ___ and _____. Pro-cognitive effects are observed in _______ smokers and in _____, using a _____ ____ in both humans and rats. It was also found in laboratory animals following ___ or _____ nicotine, and it was found to exert greater effects in individuals with _____ levels of performance. _____ is associated with attentional deficits, and much higher rates of smoking which is said to be a form of ____ _____
cognitive, attention, acetylcholine, PD, AD, abstinent, nonsmokers, nicotine patch, acute, chronic, low-baseline, schizophrenia, self medication
pro cognitive effects of nicotine may be mediated via ____ containing receptors. Current drug discoveries are potential treatments for the cognitive deficits seen in ___ and ____
alpha-7, AD, SZ
Humans and animals will self administer nicotine at the right ____ confirming its reinforcing effects. ____ ____ plays a key role in nicotine reinforcement. Nicotinic ____ reside on DA neuron cell bodies to _____ firing and increase _____ DA release. Excitatory effects on DA neurons can be induced by nicotine ____ or exposure to tobacco ______. Mecamylamine _____ this effect
dose, mesolimbic DA, receptors, stimulate, NAcc, injection, smoke, blocks
a nicotine antagonist
nicotine ______ also reside on DA terminals in the NAcc which increase transmitter ____. Tobacco smoke contains compounds that inhibit ____ ___ (which metabolizes DA). This may also contribute to the reinforcing effects of smoking
heteroreceptors, release, monoamine oxidase
Lesions of DA terminals in the NAcc with ____ _____ nicotine self-administration. Blocking DA receptors disrupts ___ ____ ___ to nicotine and ____ of nicotine seeking, suggesting DA contributes to _____. Genetic knockout of certain nicotine receptor subtypes such as _____, ____ and ____, prevent nicotine self administration, suggesting these receptors promote nicotine reinforcement. Conversely, other subtypes such as ___, ____ and ____ contribute to the aversive effects of nicotine
6-OHDA, attenuates, conditioned place preference, reinstatement, relapse, alpha-4, alpha-6, beta-2, alpha-3, alpha-5, beta-4
Sensory and ______ stimuli associated with the act of smoking become conditioned to the reinforcing effects nicotine and function as ____ reinforcers. The desire to smoke ramps up at the time when smokers ____ to be smoking. Over a lifetime, a smoker will have _____s “pairings” with a mouthful of smoke, a burst of nicotine in their system and bursts of DA activity. ____ plays a key role in conditioned reinforcement. The ____ stimuli can become almost as reinforcing as the drug itself
temporal, conditioned, expect, 100,000, DA, sensory
A study found that smokers preferred puffing on ____ cigarettes over receiving ___ nicotine infusions that mimicked blood levels produced by smoking. Tobacco companies would study and ___ sensory qualities of smoke to enhance the experience and make it more ____ forming
denicotinized, IV, manipulate, habit
in acute tolerance, smokers experienced ____ effects of nicotine over the course of a ____. This is mediated by the ______ of nicotinic receptors, ie. they do not ____ as well, or do not ____ as wide. After overnight abstinence, smokers awaken more ___ to nicotine than at the end of the previous day
reduced, day, desensitization, bind, open, sensitive