C6. P7 Flashcards
What is social cognitive learning theory?
SCLT integrates the behaviorist conditioning literature with research on internal learning processes
What three things would SCLT theorists focus on for interaction?
Internal personal factors, behavioral practice, environmental feedback
What is a internal personal factor example?
Does the student believe he or she is capable of writing his or her name?
What is a behavioral practice example?
How often has the child used the behavior in the past
What is an environmental feedback example?
To what extent has performing the behavior been led to positive or negative outcomes and/or been reinforced or punished in this environment
Why is Albert Bandura important?
He is like the father of social cognitive theory
In what three ways did SCLT deviate from behavioral?
Internal processes, observational learning, information-based learning and behavioral change
Explain internal processes.
Bandura believed it was essential for psychologists to identify ways to study how internal processes impact learning. He was very interested in finding ways to study what happens in the “black box.”
Explain observational learning.
Bandura felt higher organisms evolved in a social context. He argued humans could learn in the absence of reinforcement by simply viewing the behavior of others
Explain information based learning and behavioral change.
Bandura argued that some forms of learning may not produce immediate changes in observable behavior. He differentiated information-based learning from behavior change. A person may have learned a given fact or behavior, but may only demonstrate the learning when there is an incentive for doing so
Define observational learning
Acquiring associations or knowledge through viewing the behavior of others
Summarize the bobo doll studies
Children were shown a video. The video ended by showing the adult either be rewarded, reprimanded, or neither
What things were necessary for observational learning to influence behavior?
What are three key functions of a role model?
Behavior Models: They model behaviors that go with a given role.
Attitude Models: They model attitudes that go with a given role.
Attainability Models: They provide information regarding how attainable the role may be and impact one’s expectations of what is and is not realistic.
What is the observer model similarity effect?
observers are more likely to learn from a model if the observer perceives the model to be similar to the observer