C5. P8 Flashcards
What is metamemory?
How having knowledge about the workings of memory can allows one to improve the process of memory
What is a mnemonic?
A memory strategy that can be used to learn and remember a large amount of information in a relatively short time. Take the form of acronyms, rhymes, songs, or images
What is chunking?
Combining several things into conceptual units
What are acronym mnemonics?
Each letter stands for something, ELSFS
What are phrase mnemonics?
The first letter in each word of the phrase acts as a retrieval cue
What are clang, rhyme, and song mnemonics?
The sound of one word reminds us of another word
When do song, clang, and rhyme work best?
When we repeat them aloud
Who is Dr. Jane Sheldon?
Excellent clang and visual mnemonic, “amygdazylla!” maker
What is shallow processing?
When we attend to information in a passive manner, that is generally limited to and do not really manipulate, work with, or consider the information at a deeper level
What is deep processing?
When we actively focus on the meaning of the information we have learned, consider how it relates to past learning, and/or is relevant to our lives
What is the self-referencing effect?
The idea that we are better able to learn and retain information when we think about how the information relates to us
What is the testing effect?
The fact that we retain more information when we are challenged and questioned about the information
What is the spacing effect?
The notion that more information is retained and retrieval is easier when study periods, self-testing opportunities, and/or practice trials, are spaced out over time
Where is explicit information greatly processed?
Where is implicit information greatly processed?
Basal Ganglia