Byzantines, Russians, And Turks Interact Flashcards
How long did Justinian live?
527 to 565
What areas of the world to Justinian conquer?
Parts of north Africa, Italy, and Spain
What kind of ruler was Justinian?
An absolute monarch
What three major achievements did Justinian do?
The creation of the Justinian code, the rebuilding of Constantinople, and the rebuilding of the Hagia Sophia
Where did the Nika
Revolt take place?
The hippodrome
How did the government respond to the Nika Revolt?
They responded harshly
Who was Theodora?
Shee was Justinian’s wife who advised him not to flee and urged him to change the laws to affect women
How many people died every day during the black plague?
What was the Byzantine Empire like and 1350?
It was extremely small
When did the east and west churches split?
What did the Eastern Church become?
Eastern orthodox
What did the Western church become?
Roman Catholic
What are icons?
An image or like this; a symbol
Where were icons used?
And churches, chapels, historic places, and homes
What is inverse perspective?
Where proportions are usually neglected and the viewer becomes the focal point of the activity
What religion is the city of Kiev take on?
Orthodox Christianity
Which Russian ruler converted to Christianity?
How was Kieve’s power tied to Byzantium?
Through trade and religion
What did Yaroslav the Wise build in Kiev?
The first Jay library
How long was Mongol occupation in Russia?
From 1248 to 1480
What happened in 945?
Persian armies moved to Baghdad
Where did large numbers of Turks known as Seljuks migrate to in the 10th century?
The Abbasid Empire
When was the Battle of Manzikert?
What city did the Seljuks choose as their capital city?
What happens after Malik Shah dies?
The Seljuk Empire quickly disintegrates into a loose connection of minor kingdoms
When did the Muslims reclaim Jerusalem?
What is a vizier?
The prime minister and a Muslim kingdom or empire
Who were the Mongols?
A group of nomadic clans along the Asian steppes
Who was Hulagu?
The grandson of Genghis Kahn
Why would Hulagu be interested in the city of Baghdad?
It’s a capital city and if he conquers it, it proves his power.
Who was Wassaf?
A Persian historian
How might a Mongolian soldiers’ account to his fighting methods be different from Wassaf’s?
It would probably have a tone of victory rather than defeat.
What did Hulagu do when he captured Baghdad?
He burned down the caliph’s palace and had tens of thousands of people killed. He also had the last caliph executed.
Why do you think the Mongols forbade the spilling of sacred blood?
They worried it would affect their afterlife or cause bad luck.
What was Genghis Kahn and his successors greatest accomplishment?
They had the largest land empire in history
How long to the Byzantine Empire last?
From 330 to 1453; 1400 years