Absolute Monarchs in Europe Flashcards
What was the Scientific Revolution?
A new way of thinking about the natural world based on observation and questioning accepted beliefs.
What was the Geocentric Theory?
The Medival view of an earth-centered universe
What was the Heliocentric Theory?
Nicolas Copernicus’ theory of a sun-centered universe
Who discovered elliptical orbit?
Johannes Kepler
What tool did Galileo popularize?
The telescope
What book did Galileo write?
The Starry Messenger
Why didnt” Galileo and the church get along?
His findings went against church teachings
Whose theories did Galileo support?
What was the Scientific Method?
A procedure for gathering and testing ideas
What were the steps of the Scientific Method?
Observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion
What was Francis Bacon famous for?
What was Rene Descartes famous for?
Mathematics and logic
What was Isaac Newton famous for?
Universal gravitation/ an orderly universe
Who invented the telescope?
Zacharias Janssen
Who invented the barometer?
Evangelista Torricelli
Who invented the first vaccine and what illness was it for?
Edward Jenner; small pox
When was the Age of Reason?
Mid 1700s
Who invented the thermometer?
Gabriel Farenheit and Anders Celcius
What book did Thomas Hobbes write?
What philosophy did Thomas Hobbes popularize?
Social Contract
What was the social contract?
Exchange rights to a strong ruler for law and order
What philosophies did John Locke popularize?
Natural Rights and the purpose of governmen being to protect those rights
What were the natural rights?
Life, Liberty, and Property
What were the 5 major themes of the philosophy in the Enlightenment?
Reason, nature, happiness on Earth
Who was Voltaire?
An author known for his satire
What were Voltaire’s main themes?
Tolerance, reason, religous freedom, and freedom of speech
What philosphy did Baron de Montesquieu popularize?
Seperation of Powers
What was seperation of powers?
Checks and balances
What philosophy did Jean Jaques Rousseau popularize?
Direct Democracy
What is direct democracy?
All people are equal
Who was Mary Wollstonecraft?
A early spokeswoman for woman’s rights
What philosophies did Mary Wollstonecraft popularize?
“Equality” should extend to women
What did Mary Wollstonecraft urge other women to do?
Become useful
What was Beccaria interested in?
The justice system
What philosophy did Beccaria popularize?
The punishment should fit the crime
What were salons?
Social gatherings to discuss ideas
Who invented the Encyclopedia?
Denis Diderot
who were some major classical composers of the Enlightenment?
Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn
What wetre despots?
Who was the “first servent of the state” and which country did he rule?
Frederick the Great; Prussia
What country did Joseph II rule?
What major changes did Joseph II implement while in office?
He abolished serfdom and enacted freedom of the press and freedom of religion
Which country did Catherine the Great rule?
What did Catherine the Great do while in office?
She limited reforms and expanded Russia
What was the legacy of the Enlightenment?
Belief in progess, a more secular outlook, and importance of the individual
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
July 4th, 1776