Budget Flashcards
Which governmental fund accounts for proceeds of specific revenue sources that should be used for specific purposes
Special revenue fund
Governmental funds which fund covers day-to-day operations in there can only be one of
General fund
Which government to fund accounts for financial resources used for acquisition or construction of major assets
Capital project fund
Which fund used to account for accumulation of resources that will be used to pay general long-term debt
Debt service fund
Four types of governmental funds
Special revenue
Capital project
Debt service
Two types of proprietary funds
Internal service
This type of fund may be used to report any activity for what your fee is charged to external users for goods and services
Accounts for the financing of goods and services provided by one department to another internal departments of governmental unit fees are charged with the intent to break even
Internal service fund
Two types of budgets and what are they for
Operating budget day-to-day stuff
Capital improvement program; projects that will be included in the five year plan
Three largest contributors to the cities general fund
Sales tax 36%
State revenue sharing 25%
Property tax 3%
Tucson fire department operating budget
$80 million
What percent of our budget comes from general fund
What percent of our general fund budget is personnel
What percent of our general fund budget is operations
How many commission personnel
How many full-time employees