10 Organized Labor Flashcards
Iaff established
Feb 28 1918
Officers Supervisory activities defined by
Labor contract
Municipality regs
fDs rules/regs
Iaff 3 original objectives
2 platoon 12 he work day
Merit promotions base
4 major federal laws establish groundwork for collective bargaining.
What is collective bargaining
Determine conditions of employment through direct negotiation
Collective bargaining regulated by
Fed and state legislation
Norris-Laguardia act key points
Can not forced into contract to obtain job
Could force sign pledge to not join Union “ yellow dog”
Wagner-Connery act key points
Established collective bargaining and national labor relationship board
Defines 5 illegal sentences Interfering w employees inUnion Stopping Union forming or collecting$ Not hiring Union Firing Union Refusing to bargain
Collective bargaining yields
Written contract
Taft-Hartley key points
Modified Wagner-Connery
Gave rights to not join Union
Applied unfair practices to Union also
Good faith bargain req from Union
Addresses strikes during natl emergency
Landrum griffin key points
Crime revealed in unions Labor/mgmt reporting/disclosure act Bill rights for members Annual report from unions Mandates-min election reqs and duties of officials
President issued order collective bargaining
Kennedy 63
President expanded Union rights established fed labor relation board
Prohibits closed shops
Right to work
First paid depts in us est.
Strikes 1918-1921
2 platoon sys
Strikes 1931-1933
Wages and layoffs
Strikes 1973-1980
Contract negotiation
Fair labor standards act and fire based EMS passed by
Roosevelt 1938 new deal
Primary purpose fair labor standards act
Min standards for wages
Admin procedures covering work time/compensation
Iaff’s pac
3 results of fire service joint labor-mgmt wellness/fitness task force
Wellness fitness initiative (wifi)
Peer fitness
Labor-mgmt alliance two key points
Assist chiefs and presidents foster labor/mgmt relationship
Deals issues that req cooperation from labor/mgmt