Brown Bauhaus PD 1096 Flashcards
What is the required maximum distance of accessible elevators from building entrances?
30 meters
What is the required maximum projection beyond the property line of footings located at least 2.40 meters below grade along national roads or public highways?
300 mm
Foundations may be permitted to encroach public sidewalk areas provided, that the top of the said foundations is not less than 600 mm below the established grade; and the projections do not obstruct any existing utility such as power, sewer, communication, gas, water. What is the required maximum projection width?
500 mm
What is the required minimum clearance between the lowest under the surface of any part of balconies and the established grade of the street and/or sidewalk?
3 meters
What is the required minimum height of arcades from the established sidewalk grade?
3 meters
A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or fire escapes
What is the required width of a temporary walkway for pedestrians during construction?
1.20 meters
What is the required minimum air space for habitable rooms?
14 cum of space per person
What are the required minimum air space for workshops, factories, and offices?
12 cum of space per person
What is the required minimum thickness of fireplaces?
200 mm
What are the required minimum area and the least dimension of vent shafts?
1 sqm, 600 mm least dimension
What are the required minimum cross-sectional area and dimensions of air ducts?
0.30 sqm, 300 mm
What is the standard size of a perpendicular parking slot?
2.40 m x 5.00 m
What is the required minimum run of stairs for Group A dwellings (residential)?
200 mm
Changes in materials, utilities, partitioning, etc. but doesn’t increase the overall area thereof
Change in use or occupancy
Physical change made to increase its value and improve its aesthetic quality
What is the required minimum air space for school rooms?
3 cum with 1 sqm of floor area per person
An occurred space between building lines and lot lines other than a yard; free, open, and unobstructed from the ground upward
What are the required minimum size and least horizontal dimensions of kitchens?
3 sqm, 1.50 m least horizontal dimension
What are the required minimum size and least horizontal dimensions of the toilet and bath?
1.20 sqm, 900 mm least horizontal dimension
What is the required minimum number of lavatories for a hospital ward room?
1 per 10 patients
What are the required minimum ceiling height of the first floor, the second floor, and the succeeding floors of multi-story buildings where habitable rooms are provided with artificial ventilation?
- 70 m (1st floor)
- 40 m (2nd floor)
- 10 m (succeeding floors)
A written authorization granted by the Building Official to an application allowing the applicant to proceed with the construction with a specific project after plans, specifications, and other pertinent documents
Building permit
New construction which increases the height or area of an existing building/structures
What are Type III buildings?
Masonry and wood construction
What are Type IV buildings?
Steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction
Any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over the sidewalk beyond the first story wall used as protection for pedestrians against rain and sun
What is the required minimum ceiling height of habitable rooms with natural ventilation?
2.70 meters
What is the required minimum ceiling height of mezzanine floors?
1.80 meters
What is the required minimum ceiling height of habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation?
2.40 meters
What are the required minimum area and least dimension of rooms for human habitation?
6 sqm area, 2 meters least dimension
What is the required minimum width of passageways connecting all inner courts to a street or yard?
1.20 meters
What are Type I buildings?
Wood construction
The common law gives the state an absolute right to acquire private properties for government development projects
Law on eminent domain
An administrative exception to land use regulations in order to compensate for a deficiency in a real property
Law on variance
What are Type II buildings?
Wood construction with protective fire-resistant materials and one-hour fire-resistive throughout
What is the required minimum wind load for roofs for vertical projection?
120 kg per sqm
A house of not more than two stories, composed of a row of dwelling units entirely separated from one another by a party wall and with an independent entrance each dwelling unit
Accessoria or row house
Any change, addition, or modification in construction or occupancy
Alter or alteration
How many days shall the Building Official issue the building permit after the payment of required fees of an applicant?
15 days
What will happen if a building project is not commenced in one year?
The building permit will become null and void.
A document issued by the Building Official within 30 days after the completion of a project
Certificate of Occupancy
What is the required minimum clear width of stairs of residential dwellings (Group A)?
750 mm
What is the required minimum rise and run of stairs of residential dwellings (Group A)?
200 mm rise, 200 mm run
What are Type V buildings?
Fire-resistive buildings
Areas within which only certain types of buildings are permitted to be constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire
Fire zones
The degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined by generally-recognized and accepted testing methods
Fire-resistive rating
The length of time a material can withstand being burned may be one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, etc.
Fire-resistive time period rating
What is the required minimum thickness of footing and depth from the surface of the ground of residential dwellings (Group A)?
250 mm thick and 600 mm deep