Atlas SPP Part 1 Flashcards
SPP 201
Pre-Design Services
SPP 202
Design Services
SPP 203
Specialized Architectural Services
SPP 204A
Full-time Construction Services
SPP 204B
Construction Management Services
SPP 205
Post-Construction Services
SPP 206
Comprehensive Architectural Services
SPP 207
Design-Build Services
SPP 208
Architectural Design Competition
SPP 209
Professional Architectural Consulting Services (PACS)
Give oral or written advice and direction; Attend conferences; Make evaluations and appraisals; Similar activities
Procurement, analysis, and use of secondary info; Initial assessment of project’s soundness; To explore identifiable options/directions
Pre-feasibility studies
Detailed analysis; Determine viability of project; Present and future trends to forecast performance over time
Feasibility studies
Formulation of site criteria; Site evaluation; Analysis to determine most appropriate site/s
Site selection and analysis
Identification of site’s development potential thru proper land utilization; Analysis covers the context of site & surroundings; Development controls
Site utilization & land use analysis
Conduct primary and secondary researches and assembled facts and assembled facts used as the basis for a conclusion
Architectural research
Identification of horizontal & vertical requirements; Incorporates space program; Characterization of envisioned spaces such as ambiance, etc.
Architectural programming
Determine adequate size and appropriate configuration and assemblage; Considers use, allocation, and interface of spaces; Subsequent analyses, i.e. spatial layouts with stacking concepts particularly multi-story structures
Space planning
Analyses of space requirements based on organizational structure and functional set-up; Pinpoints linkages and interaction of spaces; Space program used for the development of architectural plan/design
Space management studies
To minimize the negative effect of simplified operations associated with cost-reduction programs; To achieve an unimpaired program at minimum cost; Will satisfy same performance criteria as costlier alternatives
Value management
States project terms of reference (TOR); Includes concepts, objectives, and other necessary reqts. to bid out architectural services
Design brief preparation
To develop and generate financial support and acceptance from governing agencies or from the general public
Promotional services
Consults with the Owner to ascertain the conceptual framework and related requirements gathers relevant information and data reviews and refines space requirements and translates them into an architectural program
Prepares initial statement of probable construction cost
Project definition phase
- Evaluates program, schedule, budget, project site
- Line drawings representing design studies
- SPPCC based on current cost parameters
Schematic design phase
- Plans, elevations, sections, and other drawings
- Outline specifications
- Diagrammatic layout of construction systems
- An updated SPPCC
Design development phase
- Complete contract documents for the architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing/sanitary, mechanical, electronic, and communication works
- Prepares technical specifications, 7 sets
- Updates SPPCC
- Assists Owner in filing the required documents to secure approval of government authorities
Contract document phase
- Prepares bid documents such as forms for contract letting, documents for construction, forms for invitation and instruction to bidders, forms for bidders’ proposals, general/specific conditions of contract, etc.
- Assists the Owner from the early stage of establishing a list of prospective Contractors
Bidding or negotiation phase
- Makes the decisions on all claims of the Owner and Contractors on all matters relating to the execution and progress of work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents
- Prepares change orders, gathers and turns over to the Owner written guarantees required of the Contractor and Sub-Contractors
- Makes periodic visits to the project site to familiarize himself with the general progress and quality of work and to ascertain that the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents
- The Architect shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous 8-hour on-site supervision to check on the quality of the work involved and shall not be held responsible for the Contractor’s failure to carry out the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents
- Should more extensive inspection or full-time (8-hour) construction supervision be required by the Client, a separate full-time supervisor shall be hired
- When the Architect is requested by the Owner to do the full-time supervision, his services and fees shall be covered separately.
Construction phase
Lays out and prescribes furniture/built-ins/equipment for the project and prepares specifications of AI
Architectural interior services
Prepares the drawings and specifications for lighting design, illumination, fixture placement, efficiency, energy considerations, etc.
Architectural lighting layout & design
Conceptualizes the entire site development plan including the generic scope of civil works and the general scope of softscape and hardscape requirements
Site development planning services
Site planning of a project that requires a composite arrangement of several buildings/structures and their requisite amenities, facilities, services, and utilities within a natural or built setting
Site and physical planning (including master dev’t planning, subdivision planning, & urban design) services
Detailed study of physical, social, economic, and administrative components
Comprehensive dev’t planning (CDP)
Provides research, assessment, recording, management, interpretation, and conservation of historical heritage
Historic & heritage conservation and planning
Practice arranges and formulates methods of rating and ascertaining the value of structures or facilities which must be fully secured, kept safe, protected, assured, guaranteed, and provided sufficient safeguards for the conduct of any work or activity
Security evaluation & planning
Engages in methods of producing building components in a highly engineered, efficient, and cost-effective manner, particularly for residential and commercial applications
Building systems design
Provides the means and measures to ensure the proper function and maintenance of the building/structure and site after final inspection
Facilities maintenance support
Recommends the systematic process of ensuring that a building/structure’s array of systems is planned, designed, installed, and tested to perform according to the design intent and the building’s operational needs
Building testing and commissioning
Evaluate the environmental performance of a building and encourage market migration towards sustainable design thru a rating system
Building environment certification
Scientific study on the built environment’s well-being, to focus on the ways in which the building/structure can best maintain itself and prolong its life in a cost-efficient manner; causes of building deterioration; causes of observed building deficiencies; research on possible faulty activities and operations during the project implementation phase; determination of faulty plan/design and/or construction methodology
Forensic architecture
Estimating and placing value on the building/structure condition and defects, and on its repair and maintenance, including the required improvements
Building appraisal
Much more than the basic knowledge of site analysis, space planning and management, architectural programming, and the other services under SPP Doc. 201
Preliminary services
Much more than the basic knowledge of pre-construction, construction, post-construction, and the other services under SPP Docs 204, 206, and 207; Preparation of the Fire Safety and Life Assessment Report (FALAR) required by RA No. 9514
Post-design services (including construction services)
Conceives, chooses, and develops the type, disposition, arrangement, and proportioning of the structural elements of architectural work, giving due considerations to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality, and aesthetics
Structural conceptualization
Much more than the basic knowledge of specification writing, estimation and quantity survey, architectural production, architectural software, architectural support services, and contract document review
Contract documentation and review services
More than the basic knowledge of the types of architectural office operations, architectural office management, accounting/finance/taxation/audit, labor code, architectural marketing and project development, proposals/negotiations/contracts, contract administration, file management, and limitations of BPO and KPO operations
Management of architectural practices
Much more than the basic knowledge of the various modes of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) prescribed under RA No. 9285, the ADR Act of 2004, and its IRR
Dispute avoidance and resolution
The ADR Act of 2004
RA No. 9285
Much more than the basic knowledge of research methods, philippine architecture and its history, architectural materials and finishes, building types and standards, architectural design trends, architectural writing, and architectural photography
Architectural research methods
Much more than the basic knowledge of the planning and design processes required for housing developments, recreational and tourism estates, health care, and hospitality facilities, transportation and telecommunications facilities, production and extractive facilities, utility-related developments, secure facilities, business, and industrial parks, economic zones, and community architecture, and the like
Special building/facility planning and design
Materials and finishes, construction methodologies, building envelopes including cladding and roofing systems, architectural fenestrations, and architectural hardware, fixtures, and fittings
Building components