Atlas - SPP Doc. 200 Flashcards
Prescribe and/or adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Prof. Prac.
Powers and Functions of the Board
I shall work with this virtuous commitment: to exercise to the utmost my duty to myself, my country, and my God…
Architect’s Credo
Shall respect and help conserve the systems of values and the natural, historic, and cultural heritage of the community in which he/she creates architecture. He/she shall strive to improve the environment and the life and habitat within it in a sustainable manner, fully minded of the effect of his/her work on the widest interests of all those who may reasonably be expected to use the product of his/her work.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the People
Shall introduce to a prospective Client the professional services he/she is able to perform provided it is limited to the presentation of examples of his/her professional experience and does not entail the offering of free preliminary sketches or other services without the benefit of an agreement with the Client for legitimate compensation.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to His/Her Client
Shall give the Contractor every reasonable assistance to enable him/her to fully understand the contents of the Contract Documents by furnishing clear, definite, and consistent information in all pertinent contract documents to avoid unnecessary mistakes that may invoke extra costs to either the Contractor or the Client.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Contractor
Shall not solicit free professional engineering/allied design or other technical services from manufacturers or suppliers of building materials or equipment when these are accompanied by an obligation detrimental to the best interest of the Client, or which may adversely affect the Architect’s professional opinion
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to Manufacturers, Dealers, and Agents
Shall not render professional services without a professional service agreement. He/she shall neither offer nor provide preliminary services on a conditional basis prior to a definite agreement with the Client for the commission of the project.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to His/Her Colleagues and Subordinates
Shall undertake the construction of a project even when the plans were prepared by him/her when it conforms with pertinent sections of the “Standard of Professional Practice”
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to His/Her Client
Dependent upon good faith. To ensure the continued existence of such a state of a good relationship, the Architect’s position carries with it a certain moral obligation to his/her Client and to himself/herself.
The Architect shall always endeavor to protect the Client’s interests but never at the expense of higher public interest and public welfare.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to His/Her Client
The Contractor depends upon the Architect to safeguard fairly the Contractor’s interest as well as those of the client.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Contractor
Shall immediately upon his/her personal knowledge and inspection, reject or condemn material, equipment, or workmanship which is not in conformity with the Contract Documents in order not to cause unnecessary delay and additional expenses to the Contractor
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Contractor
As a good citizen shall abide by and observe the laws and regulations of the government and comply with the Code of Ethical Conduct and the Standards of Professional Practice
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Public
He/she at all times endeavor to properly observe the laws on the practice of architecture and on the planning and design of buildings and their environs.
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Public
Shall give the contractor every reasonable assistance to enable him/her to fully understand the contents of the Contract Documents by furnishing clear, definite, and consistent information on all pertinent contract documents to avoid the unnecessary mistakes that may involve extra costs to either the Contractor or the Client
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Contractor
Shall not undertake a commission for which he/she knows that another architect has been previously employed unless he/she notifies the other Architect of the fact in writing and has conclusively determined that the original employment has been terminated and duly compensated for
The Architect’s Responsibilities in Relation to His/Her Colleagues and Subordinates