Breast/Derm Flashcards
Atypical melanocytes spreading on the basal epidermis layer from a biopsy taken from forehead of some damaged sun exposed skin
Lentigo maligna
Test to determine hormone receptor status for breast cancer
S-100 stain
Melanoma on the soles of feet
Acral lentigna
Everted edge with ulceration
Pearly white edges with telangiectasia
Cottage cheese exudate
Sebaceous cyst
Linear deposition of IgG and C3 on basement membrane
Bullous pemphigoid
Nikolsky’s sign
Pemphigus vulgaris
Lump on scalp with punctum
Sebaceous cyst
Soft, compressible, non-tender, lobulated mass on the arm
Lump with black core
Keratoacanthoma (molluscus sebaceum)
Neck lump + halitosis + regurgitation
Pharyngeal pouch
Neck lump with brilliant transilluminance
Cystic hygroma
Scaly, erythematous nipple
Paget’s disease
E cadherin
Ductal carcinoma of the breast
Stellate appearance
Ductal carcinoma
Indian file
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Mid-cycle breast tenderness
Fibrocystic changes
Rapidly enlarging solid breast lump
Like fibroadneoma but in older female
Phyllodes tumour
Bloodstained nipple discharge
Intraductal papilloma
Grey-green nipple discharge
Mamamry duct ectasia
Target lesions, annular blistering rash
Erythema multiforme
Associated with herpes simplex, SLE, IBD, mycoplasma and strep infections
Leaf-like appearance
Phyllodes tumour
Linear calcification
Tense blisters
Deroofed blisters with tender underlying skin
Itchy papules between fingers and toes
Painful tender rash over shins
Erythema nodosum
Associated with sarcoidosis, TB, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, EBV, IBD and strep infections
Venous ulcer → SCC
Marjolin’s ulcer
Rolled edge
Skin plaque in TB
Lupus vulgaris
Reticular leg rash in elderly woman
Erythema ab igne
Hx flushing + cross-shaped facial rash
Blistering skin/mucosal rash + conjunctivitis post infection
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Slit-like retraction of the nipple
Duct ectasia
Violaceous lesions
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Oral lesions in vit K deficiency
Perifollicular haemorrhage
Oral lesions in vit B12 deficiency
Atrophic glossitis