brain dysfanction affecting languague Flashcards
Marc Dax
claimed left hemisphere was asymmetrically dominant for speech
-aphasia is a disorder that results from dysfuction of the brain’s launguage system
-patients have deficits in the use of languague that cannot be readily attributed to sensory,motor or intellectual dysfunction
Broca work
reported the results of postmortem exams of two aphasic patients:they have deficits in the use of languague that were not attributtable to any sensory,motor,or intellectual issues
one of his patients were called LeBourgne
broca’s study of this patient led him to the idea that the leasioned are was important in languague production
he was only able to say tan after the leason
Broca’s aphasis (expressive aphasia)
individuals are able to understand languague,but have difficulty forming or articulating words
Broca’s aphasia is defined by three core symptoms
1.agrammatism:severe issues using grammar
2.anomia:inability to produce the right words
3.articulation problems
Wernicke’s work
new type of languague disorder:
-deficits in languague comprehension
Wernicke’s aphasia(receptive aphasia)
individuals are able to speak fluently,but they cannot comprehend languague
difference between wernick’s and brocas aphasias
the person can speak perfectly well but they do not understand languague spoke to them
case NB
Ihear everything. I also know what to
do with sounds that are not words. But
when you start speaking, it is like
listening to a foreign language.
Liepmann’s work
showed that apraxia was almost always associated with left hemesphere demage
difficulty performing movments with either side of the body when asked to do so,but not when performing spontenly does not effect old motions just new ones
Wada test(Juhn Wada
wada test(sodium amytal test)-how to figure out what hemisphere langugue is on
-administered to paitients prior to neurosurgery to determine side of speech lateralization
-sodium amytal is injected into one carotid artery,this anesthsetize the ipsilateral hemisphere and allows the abilities of the contralateral hemisphere to be assed
ask them to count
it is not always the left hemisphere for languague just most!!
Dichotic listening task
one hadphone is saying a silable and the other another sillable then ask them what they here
FMRI(most often these days)
give a person a probre letter (ex:e)
think of as many words starting with e as possible within 30 s:elephant:extrodinary:exactly