Brachial Plexus Flashcards
Nerve Roots for Each Trunk
Upper - C5 and C6
Middle - C7
Lower - C8 and T1
Order of Brachial Plexus
Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches
3 Cords Sources
Lateral - Upper and Middle so C5-C7
Posterior - All 3 so C5-T1
Medial - Lower so C8 and T1
Axillary N./Branch (cord and roots source, 2 innervates)
Posterior cord, but C5 and C6 for some reason
Innervates deltoids and teres minor
Radial N./Branch (cord and roots source, 2ish innervates)
Posterior cord, C5-T1
Extensors and triceps
Musculocutaneous N./Branch (cord and roots source, 3 Innervates)
Lateral cord, C5-C7
Flexors. Biceps, brachialis, cricobrachialis
Median N./Branch (cord and roots source, 2 innervates)
Lateral and Medial Cords, C5-T1
Pronator, thenar muscles of hand
Ulnar N./Branch (cord and roots source, 2 innervates)
Medial cord, C8-T1
Interosseus and hypothenar (pinky) m.s
Long Thoracic N. Roots and Innervation
C5-C7, serratus anterior
Erb (-Duchenne) Palsy (what it is, where, causes)
“Waiter’s tip”
Traction or tear of upper trunk, C5-6
Caused by trauma/motorcycle in adults or NEWBORN LATERAL TRACTION OF NECK ON DELIVERY
Damage deltoid, spinatuses, biceps, so can’t abduct (arm at side), get medial rotation and pronation and other shit to have waiter’s tip out the back
Klumpke Palsy (what is/where, causes)
Traction or tear of lower trunk, C8-T1. Lose intrinsic hand muscles: lumbricals, interossei, thenar, hypothenar so get total claw hand bc lumbricals normally flex MCP joints and extend DIP and PIP joints
Infants - upward force on arm during delivery or adults - grabbing a tree branch when falling
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Cervical rib or pancoast tumor compresses lower trunk and subclavian vessels. Hypertrophy of anterior scalenes can also do
Winged Scapula
Lesion of long thoracic nerve (axillary node dissection, stab wounds) so can’t innervate Serratus anteriors
Axillary Injury Cause
Fractured surgical neck of humerus or dislocation of humerus, causes drop in deltoid
Musculucutaneous Injury
Loss of forearm flexion and supination and sensation of lateral forearm
Radial N. Injury (2 causes and signs)
Midshaft fracture of humerus (spinal groove) or Saturday night palsy from falling asleep with arm over chair
Lose extensors of forearm/wrist so wrist drop
Lose brachioradialis
Lose sensation of posterior arm
Median Nerve Injury (2 causes and signs)
Supracondylar fracture of humerus (proximal lesion) and carpal tunnel syndrome/wrist laceration (distal lesion)
“Ape hand and Pope’s blessing”
Lose wrist flexion, lumbricals of 2nd and 3rd digits
Also loss of sensation over thenar eminence (& atrophy)
Tinel sign (tingling on percussion) in carpal tunnel
Ulner Injury
Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus
Ulnar claw on digit extension, lose hypothenar stuff
Recurrent branch of median nerve Injury
Superficial laceration of palm, get “Ape Hand,” loss of thenar muscle group
Artery that Runs with Long Thoracic N.
Lateral Thoracic a.
Artery with Axillary N.
Posterior circumflex
Artery with Radial N.
Deep brachial a., in spinal groove with it
Artery with Deep Branch of Radial n.
Posterior interosseus a.
Artery with Median n.
Brachial a.