Blood Supply, Meninges, And Ventricular System Flashcards
Anterior cerebral artery (aca)
Branch of Internal carotid
Medial frontal and parietal lobes and lambic lobe
Lateral superior frontal and parietal lobes
Middle cerebral artery
Branch of Internal carotid
Supralateral frontal and parietal lobes and superior temporal lobe
contralateral trunk, upper limb, and face somatic motor/sensory
Language if on the left side: aphasia
Spatial cognition and emotion if on the right side: left hemineglect
Posterior cerebral artery (pca)
Branch of basilar artery
Inferior temporal and occipital lobe
- memory
- contralateral visual field
Anastomosis: circle of Willis
Anterior communicating artery
ACA (x2)
IC (x2)
Posterior communicating artery
PCA (x2)
Surrounds Hypothalamus’s infundibulum
Pituitary gland
Links endocrine & nervous system (regulating systems)
** sphenoid sinus
Compromised blood supply to the brain
Types: hemorrhagic and ischemic
Hemorrhagic stroke
Intraparenchymal bleeding/ subarachnoid hemorrhage
Complicated signs/symptoms
* younger than 55 y/o must be screened for drug abuse
Ischemic stroke
Blockage of blood supply and results in hypoxemic damage
fixed pattern of signed/symptoms
Can be transient
Arteriovenous malformation (avm)
Most common btwn adolescence and 40 y/o
Same as the formation of fistula
Cavernous malformation
Intracranial vascular malformations w/ different names
Mass effects of spatial occupation
Risk of hemorrhagic stroke
Dural matter meninges layers
- Periostea’s layer: calvarian sutures (easy) & base attachments (difficult)
- Meningeal layer: continuous to spinal cord dura mater
Fxn: protection & support vascular system
Arachnoid mater
Trabeculae suspending the brain
Fxn: protection & support vascular system
Pia mater
Superficial layer of the brain
Fxn: protection & support vascular system
Meningeal layer folding
Sagittal (2)
1. Falx cerebri
2. Falx Cerebelli
Transverse (2)
1. Tentorium cerebelli
2. Diaphragma sellae
Ventricular system
Lateral ventricles through interventricular foreman (of monro) to 3rd ventricle (diencephalon) through cerebral aqueduct ( midbrain) to the 4th ventricle spons/medulla
Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
Blood-brain barrier: fight junctions of endothelia, prevent direct molecular exchange
CSF: functions
Buoyance: ↓ weight of brain
Pressure: 7-15 mmHg, enclosed container pressure from all directions
Provide insulation
Get rid of metabolic wastes through diffusion (high → low)
Out of ventricular system
Median over tire
CSF circulation
Changes w/ heartbeat
CSF drainage
Arachnoid trabeculae form the venous structures
Emissary veins
In loose CT layer
Epidural hematoma
Loss of consciousness → normal → coma/death
Subdural hematoma
Brain weight and blood supply requirement
~2% of total body wt
Requires 20% of blood supply
Anterior Brain blood supply
Internal carotid artery
Posterior brain blood supply
Vertebral basilar artery
- r/l come together to make basilar artery
What structure do Vertebral arteries go through
Transverse foremen at C6 level and up