Abdominal Contents Flashcards
Within peritoneum, organs are mobile
Organs: liver, spleen, esophagus, stomach, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, transverse and sigmoid colon
Outside peritoneum, organs are fixed to abdominal wall
-Primary: originate outside parietal peritoneum mesoderm
—>spleen, kidneys, ureter, adrenal glands, greater vessels (IVC and abdominal aorta), testes/ovaries before descending
-Secondary: “spun out” of peritoneum endoderm
—>duodenum, pancreas,, ascending and descending colon, rectum, anus.
Pancreas parts
Parts: head, neck, body, tail, and uncinate process
Pancreas functions
Endocrine: insulin and glucagon
Exocrine: digestive enzymes mainly for protein
Spleen structure
Capsule, trabecular, pulps (red and white)
Spleen vasculature
Artery: splenic artery from celiac trunk, tortuous (for expansion)
Vein: splenic vein drains into portal vein
Kehr’s sign
In capsule of spleen, easily lacerated and causes referred pain in left shoulder
Midgut blood-supply
Superior mesenteric artery
- middle/right colic artery
- jejunal arteries
- ileal arteries
- Ileocolic artery -> marginal artery
Midgut of colon
From descending duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum/appendix, ascending colon, 2/3 of transfers colon
Hindgut of colon
Distal 1/3 of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus
Hepatic portal vein
All digestive tract veins flow into portal vein which flows into liver.
Function: storage of nutrients in liver and detoxication
Portal hypertension
Malfunction of liver blocks portal vein drainage
Backflow can cause:
Gastric/splenic vein to esophageal = esophageal varices
Renal vein to iliac vein = internal hemorrhoids
Paraumbilical veins = caput Medusae
Kidneys anatomy
R is lower due to liver
Structure: cortex, medulla, minor calyx to major calyx, renal pelvis, ureter
Hilum: renal vein/artery/pelvis
Kidney functions
Waste excretion from blood (urine)
Electrolyte and water balance
Regulate bp; renin-Angiotension system
Hematopoiesis: cytokine erythroprotien (EPO)
Kidney visceral motor
Follows renal arteries
Adrenal gland anatomy
Top of kidneys
Layers: medulla, cortex
Adrenal glands functions
Regulate metabolism, bp, immune response, stress response, sex hormones
Adrenal gland vascular supply
1. Superior: multiple branches from inferior phrenic artery
2. Middle: aorta
3. Inferior: 1st branch of renal artery
Right drains into IVC
Left drains into renal vein
Bifurcation of abdominal aorta
L4: common iliac arteries
IVC formation
L5: common iliac veins
Anastomosis: foregut to midgut
Superior/interior pancreaticoduodenal
Anastomosis: midgut to hindgut
Middle/left colic
Foregut sympathetic and parasympathetic
Greater splanchnic nerve (T5 - T9)
Vagus nerve (CN 10)
Midgut sympathetic and parasympathetic
Inconclusive due to rotations
Abdominal cavity boundary
Superior: diaphragm
Inferior: pelvic inlet
Posterior: lumbar vertebrae and muscles
Anterior/lateral: continuous soft tissue and abdominal muscles
Peritoneal cavity
Space between parietal and visceral peritoneum
Wraps and fixates organs in abdominal and pelvic cavities
* fluid, no organs!!
Greater sac of peritoneal cavity
Contains intraperitoneal organs
Superior and inferior to lesser sac
Greater omentum of peritoneal cavity
Visceral peritoneum folding from stomachs greater curvature (inferior)
Lesser sac of the peritoneal cavity
Empty, bound by greater and lesser omentum
Lesser omentum
Visceral peritoneum folding from stomach’s lesser curvature to liver
Superior to greater omentum
Omental foramen
Connects the two sac’s, “foremen of Winslow”
Hepatoduedenal ligament
A part of the lesser omentum
Between the liver and duodenum
* contains portal triad
Portal triad
- Hepatic artery proper
- Hepatic portal vein
- Common bile duct
Foregut blood-supply
Celiac trunk: aortic hiatus/median arcuate ligament
1. Splenic artery
2. Left gastric artery
3. Common hepatic artery
Splenic artery branches (2)
- Short gastric artery
- Left gastroepiploic artery
Common hepatic artery branches (2)
- Gastroduodenal artery
- Hepatic artery proper
Stomach anatomy
Abdominal esophagus
Cardiac notch
Pyloric antrum, canal, and sphincter
Stomach blood supply
Branches of celiac trunk:
Lesser- R/L gastric artery
Greater - R/L gastroepiploic artery
Fundus- short gastric artery
Stomach function
Limited absorption
Intrinsic factor for B12 absorption