Blood and hematopoesis Flashcards
Connective tissue - 7-8% total body weight 6L. Delivery of O2, nutrients. Transports waste, Co2, transport of hormones and other substances, maintainaince of homeostasis by acting as buffer, etc.
Delivery of O2 and nutrients to cells
Transport of wastes and CO2 from cells
Transport of hormones and other regulatory substances
Maintenance of homeostasis by acting as buffer and participating in coagulation and thermoregulation
Protective role via transport of immune cells and immune components
Blood composed of
- Formed elements
2. Plasma
Formed elements
Cells and cell fragments. Both derived from hematopoetic stem cells. Cells = erythrocytes*(not a true cell type), leukocytes.
Cell fragments = thrombocytes (platelets).
Protein rich fluid extracellular matrix
Volume of packed red blood cells in a sample of blood. Measured by centrifuging blood sample and calculating percentage of tube volume occupide by RBCs as compared to whole blood.
RBC hematocrit volume
Relative volume of plasma
Buffy coat (leukocytes/platelets)
Men - normal hematocrit
Woman - normal hematocrit
Plasma components
Water (90%) - solvent, solutes help maintain homeostasis (pH, osmolarity)
Plasma proteins 7-8%: Albumin, Globulins, Fibrinogen
Other Solutes: **FINSIH THIS
Plasma proteins
7-8%. Albumin
About half of plasma proteins. Produced in liver, has an important role in maintaining concentration gradient for osmotic pressure. Acts as a carrier protein, for substances such as hormones, metabolites and drugs.
Too much albumin escapes, and takes water with it.
Immunoglobulins (gamma) - antibodies secreted by plasma cells. Nonimmune globulins (alpha and beta) - produced by liver, help maintain osmotic pressure and serve as carrier proteins.
Made in liver, soluble, via series of cascade reactions, transformed into insoluble protein fibrin which helps form blood clots.
Blood smear
Drop of blood placed directly on slide and spread thinly over surface with edge of aanother slide.
- Produces monolayer of cells
- air dried and stained with Wright’s Stain.
Wrights stain
mixture of methylene blue (basic), azures (basic) and eosin (acidic).
Erythrocytes (RBCs)
Anucleate cells - devoid of typical organelles. Bind and deliver O2 (99%) to tissues and bind CO2 (30%) to remove from tissues.
Biconcave discs with diameter of 7.8 microm. Edge thickness of 2.6 microm, and central thickness of 0.8 microm.
Shape maximizes surface area - important in gas exchange.
Histologic ruler - shape relatively constant in fixed tissue.
Producetion occurs in red bone marrow via erythropoesis.
120 day life span
Rate of release - 2 million/sec
Protein binds to O2 and CO2.
Structure: Composed of 4 polypeptide chains of globin with four iron containing heme groups. Iron ions bind one O2 molecule - each protein binds 4 O2. Most common type of hemoglobin (96%) is composed of two alpha and 2 beta chains.
2 groups of white blood cells based on morphology (whether or not they have specific granules within cytoplasm and by nuclei shape).
- Polymorphonuclear granulocytes
- Mononuclear agranulocytes
Polymorphonuclear granulocytes
Contain specific granules and have multilobed nuclei. Also possess azurophilic granules***
Mononuclear agranulocytes
No specific granules, have rounded nuclei. Also have azurophilic granules.
B lymph, T lymph, natural killer cells (NK)
Granulocytes. Most numerous leukocyte (49-67%). 12 microm to 15 microm in diameter. Small faint lavender granules in cytoplasm. Granule contents: lysozyme (specific granules), peroxidases (azurophilic granules)
Darkish nucleus, several lobes (2-5) Function: - First responders to infection - Acute inflammation -phagocytose bacteria within tissues, accumulate as pus.