Blood Flashcards
Red blood cells / erythrocytes
Are tiny biconcave discs, 2um by 7.5
Are most numerous
3-6 m per mm of blood
Highly specialised cells, have no nucleus or mitochondria
Each last 120 days
Made in red bone marrow, erythropoietin
Principle function is to carry oxygen
Also carriage of carbon dioxide and buffering
White blood cells leukocytes
Are true cells account for less than 1% of total blood volume
4000-11000 per mm3 but this increases in infrection called leukocytosis
Part of immune system
Can enter tissues by diapadesis when received chemical signals
Move by chemotaxis
Amoeboid motin
Distinguish between granulocytes and agranulocytes
Neutrophils 40-70%
Eosinophils 1-4%
Basophils 0-1%
Roughly spherical, larger than red blood cells but live less
Normally account for at least half of wight blood cell count
Some granules contain peroxidases and hydrolytic enzymes and these act as lysosomes
Other contain chemicals rather like antibiotics called defensins
Work of neutrophils
Move by chemotasis
Are phagocytes
Particularly active agains bacteria and some fungi
Respiratory burst
Nucleus in 2 lobes connected by band of nuclear material
Has coarse granules that stain red and contain non specific enzymes
Particularly important in destroying worms
Reduce severity of allergy
Rarest of white blood cells
Cytoplasm contain large granules with histamine
Mast cells are similar
Lymphocytes 20-40%
Monocytes 4-8%
Second most abundant white blood cell
Are very variable in size
Can be further classified as T or B lymphocytes and these can be further classified T helper cells
Are largest of white blood cells
In tissue become macrophages
Have phagocytes function own and also assist lymphocytes in their action
In order of decreasing abundance
(Never let monkey eat bananas
Thrombocytes not correct
Fragments of cytoplasm from very large cells called megakaryocyte, found in bone marrow
Do not contain a nice use
The inner area contains granules that have variety of enzymes that promote haemostasis
Very complex and strictly controlled process involving
Vascular spasm
Platelets plug formation
Vascular spams
Chemicals released by injured blood vessel causes it to constrict so limiting blood loss
This can last 20-30 mins slowing time for the platelets plug to form
Platelets plug
When exposed to injured vessel platelets swell spunky and sticky so that they stick to exposed collagen of vessel
Chemicals released that prolong vasoconstriction or attract more platelets
Blood transformed from free flowing liquid into sticky fell
Is a cascade of over 30 substances called clotting factors or procoagulants
Need vitamin k to make 3 of them
End result is that fibrinogen becomes fibrin mesh