BLOOD 1 Flashcards
List 5 functions of the blood
a) 1. Transport gases. nutrients, hormones and metabolic wastes, regulates composition of microbiota interstitial fluid (E.G pH, Ions, water)
2. Restricts fluid loss in injury sites via blood clotting,
3. Defence against toxins and pathogens and
4. Regulates body temperature by absorbing and redistributing heat
Define Hematorict
Hematocrit is equal percentage of total blood volume occupied by packed RBCs
37 -54%
How many Liters of blood are in a 70Kg and 58 kg female
Number of RBCs depends two things:
Life span
5L and 4L
Balanced production
120 days
Name the process that produces RBCs
Name the Hormone required and where is it made
Erythropoietin which is made in the Kidney
Plasma Composition
Name Five compounds it’s made of
Organic molecules
Name the gases
Water, Ions, Organic molecules, trace elements; vitamins and gases
Amino acids, proteins: (Albumins, globulins and Fribrinogen), Glucose, Lipids and Nitrogenous waste
Carbon dioxide and Oxygen
Where are the plasma proteins made in the liver
What were the general functions
Generation of colloid osmotic pressure
Buffer pH
a) Albumins
b) Globulins alpha, beta and gamma
c) Fibrinogen
Colloid osmotic pressure
Clotting factors, enzymes, Carriers and antibodies
Cleaved to form fibrin in blood clotting
What are Red blood cells synthesized
What are White Blood cells
List the four types: distinguish between phagocytes and granulocytes
What are platelets generated from?
Leukocytes: Lymphocytes, (phagoytes) Monocytes and Neutrophils
(phagocytes) Neutrophils
(Granulocytes) Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils
Megacarocytes and thrombocytes
State the shape of RBC
RBCs contain
Hemoglobin stucture
Bioconcave disk
Hemoglobin and enzymes
Heme group, 2 alpha and 2 beta chains
Name the process for Red blood synthesis and where does it occur list 3 dietary requirement Name the hormone required Produced in response to? Name the transcription factor required
Erythropoiesis and it occurs in the bone marrow Erythropoietin Vitamin B12, Iron and folate Low levels of O2 Hypoxia-inducible factor
What regulates Hematopoiesis
List 2 and their locations
Survival. proliferation and differentiation of different cell types
1) Colony stimulating factors – from endothelial cells and white blood cells
2) Interleukins from white blood cells
Sites of hematopoiesis
a) In embryo: (4)
b) At birth: (1)
c) Adults: (6)
a) yolk sac, liver. spleen and bone marrow
b) Bone marrow
c) Pelvis, spine, ribs, cranium, proximal and long bones
Removal-Macrophage What transports Iron to the Bone marrow. Iron is stored in the liver in? Compound synthesized from Old and damaged RBCs. Where does Hemolysis occur?
Biliverdin to Bilirubin
Blood Plasma
Removal- LIver
Secreted Bilirubin as?
Bilirubin is Absorbed into circulation in the (1) and excreted in the (2)
1) Small intestine
2) Kidney
What disease is caused by hyperbilirubiemia?
Characteristics: list 3
1) HIgh turnover of RBC
2) Liver disease
3) Bile duct obstruction
Low production of RBCS
Causes: 3)
1) Aplastic: destruction of stem cells via drugs and radiation
2) Inadequate nutrients: iron, folic acid, Vitamin B12 (nutritional, pernicious)
3) Low erythropoietin
High production of RBCs
Causes: Classify and name the 2 types
1) Hemolytic
- Genetic: defects in RBC proteins (e.g. hemoglobin)
- Parasitic infection
- Drugs ( some antibiotics and anti-seizure drugs)
- Autoimmune reactions
2) Hemorrhagic
- Excessive blood loss
Name the disease with a hematocrit level >54% and high blood viscosity
1) Primary
2) secondary
1) Abnormal erythrocyte precursors
2) Low O2 delivery to tissues