Block1b Flashcards
what is repeated presentations of the same stimulus reduce responsiveness – often presented in hierarchical steps.
Response decreases with additional exposure.
what is the repeated presentation of a the same stimulus increases responsiveness
Which technique has fear that wears off vs. fear that gets worse?
Achieves final target behavior by reinforcing successive approximations of the desired response.
Increasing doses of the fear provoking stimulus are paired with a relaxing stimulus to induce a relation response. Because one cannot simultaneously be fearful and relaxed, the person shows less anxiety when exposed to the fear-provoking stimulus in the future
Systematic Desensitization
Classical conditioning is used to pair a maladaptive but pleasurable stimulus with an aversive or painful stimulus (e.g., a shock) so that the two become associated. The person ultimately stops engaging in the maladaptive behavior, because it automatically provokes an unpleasant response.
Aversive Conditioning
The person is exposed to actual (flooding) or imagined (implosion) overwhelming dose of the feared stimulus. Through the process of habituation the person becomes accustomed to the stimulus and is no longer afraid.
Flooding and implosion
Through the process of operant conditioning the desired behavior (e.g. shaving) is reinforced by a reward or positive reinforcement (e.g., the token). The person increases the desirable behavior to gain the reward.
Token economy
The person is given ongoing physiologic information (e.g., blood pressure measurement) which acts as a reinforcement (blood pressure drops). The person uses this information along with relaxation techniques to control visceral changes (e.g., heart rate).
What type of therapy is not about inner conflicts, focus is on what is observable and behavior patterns that require changing?
Behavior Therapies
Using a system of starting to expose the person to something which creates distress for that person by starting with limited exposure and building up to full exposure.
Systematic Desensitization
Removing reinforcement gradually without the patient being able to notice or discern the difference
What is that?
What type of therapy is focused on what is observable and behavior patterns that require changing?
Behavior Therapy
What type of learning uses classical and operant conditioning?
Associative Learning
Freud wanted patients to be able to react?
Abreaction was thought to induce?
What interference in abreaction are what?
Repression and Resistance
Overcome repression and resistance meant using what?
Free Association
When anxiety occurs, we use defense mechanisms. All defense mechanisms share what two common principles?
appear unconsciously
tend to change, transform, or otherwise re-invent reality
In distorting reality, there is a change in ___________ which allows for a lessening of anxiety, with a corresponding reduction in felt _________-.
Defense mechanisms are unconscious and ________ as well as pathologic.
What are the three narcissistic Defense Mechanisms?
Denial, Projection, Splitting
Projection is a primitive form of ______.
__________ is a shifting of one’s unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses within oneself onto someone else, so that those same thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and motivations are perceived as being possessed by the other.
Denial requires the _________ of the conscious mind.
Feelings are manifest as physical symptoms rather than psychological distress. Associated with somatoform disorders
Temporary reversion of behavior to an earlier, less mature, more child-like behavior, rather than handling unacceptable impulses in a more adult way. Associated with enuresis, and primitive behaviors.
________moves shifts what types of impulses on something else? (Defense Mechanism: Guy goes to a strip club, makes love to wife)
What defense mechanism takes a traumatic memory and putting it into another part of the conscious?
Dissociation, floating above the scene, example: Sexual abuse as a child
What defense mechanism separates feelings from ideas, events, and blunted the affect?
Isolation of Affect
What defense mechanism also has isolation of affect, focusing on the technical aspect of the situation?
Reaction Formation is what type of defense mechanism?
Feel love but show what?
convert unconscious wishes or impulses that are perceived to be dangerous into their opposites, can work effectively for coping in the short term, but break down
Repression is doing what?
Associated with forgetting so that it is nonretrievable
What defense mechanism is used to justify attitudes beliefs, or behaviors that are unacceptable. The main show of this defense comes in the form of excuses, justification, a string of reasons?
Mature defense mechanism helps users to integrate conflicting emotions and _______ while still remaining effective?
______: constructive service to others that brings pleasure and personal satisfaction.
What is realistic planning for future discomfort?
What mature defense mechanism transform negative emotions or instincts into positive actions, behavior, or emotion?
Please name some acceptable outlets?
art, literature, mentoring, or long workouts in the gym
What is the conscious decision to delay paying attention to an emotion or need in order to cope with the present reality?