Block1 Flashcards
What stage is Birth - 18 months? (Freud)
Oral Stage
What stage is 18 months-3 years? (Freud)
Anal Stage
What stage is 3-6 years? (Freud)
Phallic Stage
What stage is 6-11 years old? (Freud)
Latency Stage
What stage is maturation of sexual interest? (Freud)
Genital Stage
______________ results from the repeated pairing of a neutral (conditioned) stimulus with one that evokes a response (unconditioned stimulus), such that the neutral stimulus eventually comes to evoke the response.
Classical conditioning
What is the association of things that take place together in time?
classical conditioning
When the CS is generalized to a range of tones, it is said to be a __________. Typically the dog will respond the most often and readily to the exact CS tone, but will have some response to the GS (Generalized Stimulus) similar tones and weaker responses to less similar tones again
Generalized Stimulus
If we only feed the dog when the one tone is sounded, and never feed the dog when another similar tone is sounded, the dog will soon learn to _______between the tones and stop salivating to one or the other.
The __________ is particularly important in associative learning.
The _________participates in classical conditioning, specifically in associations involving motor skills.
__________ = If we stop feeding the dog while continuing to present a tone, we can extinguish or cancel out the conditioned response.
____________ = The extinguished response does not entirely disappear and may spontaneously reappear at any point when the tone is presented again after a pause.
Spontaneous Recovery:
What is learning that occurs as a consequence of our actions and involves voluntary responses.
Operant Conditioning
A behavior which is rewarded tends to be repeated.
A behavior that is not rewarded tends to die out.
What is this principle?
Thorndike’s “Law effect” and operant conditioning
Not picking up a child to prevent crying is what type of psych principle?
Extinction Burst
Operant Conditioning has what type of reinforcements?
Positive and Negative Reinforcements
_________is the process of reinforcing behaviors that increasingly approximate a desired behavior.
What is presenting a stimulus that increases the probability of the behavior that came before it (Giving a reward for a behavior.) Give a rat a food pellet every time it completes a maze.
Positive Conditioning
The simplest kind of conditioning. The learned response is instrumental in obtaining a biologically significant reward, such as a pellet of food or a drink of water.
Primary reward conditioning
The kind of learning in which instrumental behavior to get at a stimulus has no biological usefulness itself but has in the past been associated with a biologically significant stimulus. For example, chimpanzees learn to press a lever to obtain poker chips, which they insert into a slot to secure grapes. Later, they work to accumulate poker chips even when they are not interested in grapes.
Secondary reward conditioning
What kind of reinforcement is: Removing an aversive stimulus (something that causes pain or anxiety), which increases the probability of the behavior preceding it.
Negative reinforcement