Block 3: Spinal cord and ascending tracts Flashcards
How can we detect different stimuli in the same patch of skin?
Through different sensory nerve endings contained within the epidermis and dermis.
What are the five types of sensory receptors? Are they fast or slowly adapting?
1) Meissener’s corpuscle- discriminative touch, rapid adaptation
2) Pacinian Corpuscle- Deep Pressure and vibration, rapid adaptation
3) Ruffini ending- touch/sheer stress/ forces, slowly adapting
4) Merkels cells/disc- light, sustained touch- slowly adapting
5) Free nerve endings- pain (slowly adapting) and temperature (fast adapting).

What are the functional areas of the cortex that relate to sensory perception?
- Brodmann area 1 = the primary somatosensory cortex which receives sensory information from the contralateral side of the body.
- Sits behind the Central sulcus
- Superior parietal lobe - brodmann areas 5/19: Integrates different sensory inputs, sensory memory, perception of the contralateral self/ world.

What is somatotopic mapping? What is a homunculus?
How does the map relate to the function of different body parts?
- Somatotopic mapping is the mapping of specific body regions to particular areas of the cortex- in this case the somatosensory cortex.
- A homunculus is a visual representation of the cortex, showing the proportion of cortex dedicated to a particular body part.
- The somatotopic map relates to function as the larger the proportion of cortex devoted to a particular body region the more highly innervated that body region is e.g. hands are large on homunculus as are highly sensitive vs the knees.

Define somatotopy
- Point for point correspondance of an area of the body to a specific point on the CNS
What are the three types of interconnection fibres in the cortex?
- Association fibres- between regions of within one hemisphere.
- Commisural fibres- between one hemisphere to the other
- Projecting fibres- between the cortex and spinal cord and vice versa.
What is the internal capsule?
What type of fibre is it?
What is the corona radiata?
What is the corpus callosum?
- The internal capsule is formed by the ascending (Sensory) and descending (motor) white matter tracts between the cortex and spinal cord.
- It is a projection fibre
- The internal capsule becomes the corona radiata, a continuation of the sensory/ ascending white matter tracts and motor/descending tracts.
- The Corpus callosum is a commisural fibre that connects the R and L hemispheres.

What are the 4 parts of the internal capsule?
- Anterior limb
- Genu (angle/ knee)
- Posterior limb
- Retrolenticular nucleus

What does the anterior limb of the internal capsule contain?
- Anterior limb of the internal capsule carries connections between the Thalamus (medial dorsal nucleus) to the prefrontal cortex and between the pontine nuclei and prefrontal cortex.

What does the posterior limb/ genu of the internal capsule contain?
What is special about the arrangement of fibres in the internal capsule?
what does this mean if there is a focal lesion in the internal capsule?
- The posterior limb/ genu contains more anteriorly:
- Motor tracts between cortex and brainstem (corticobulbar) first (genu)
- Motor tracts between the cortex and spinal cord (corticospinal tracts) after, arranged arm, trunk, leg.
- The posterior limb contains more posteriorly:
- Sensory tracts between the ventro posterior lateral (VPL) and ventro posterior medial (VPM) nuclei of the thalamus and the primary somatosensory cortex.
- Arrangement of fibres is special as both motor and sensory are somatotopically arranged with the head more anterior, followed by arms and legs.
- If there is a focal lesion in the internal capsule this means there will be contralateral loss/ paralysis to the side of the brain affected.

What does the retrolenticular nucleus of the internal capsule contain?
- Retrolenticular nucleus of the internal capsule contains fibres that carry:
- Auditory information to the auditory cortex (from the MGN of the thalamus)
- Visual information to the primary visual cortex (from the LGN of the thalamus)

Describe the general structure of the ascending sensory tracts from the body to the primary somatosensory cortex
How does the P/W for sensory information to the face differ?
- Generally sensory information from the body is carried into the body via 1st order neurone that travels ipsilaterally up the spinal cord to the lower medulla.
- At the medulla, this 1st order neurone synapses with a 2nd order neurone
- This 2nd order neurone then decussates and travels up the spinal cord to reach the thalamus via a tract known as a lemniscus.
- At the thalamus the 2nd order neurone synapses with a 3rd order neurone.
- This 3rd order neurone carries information from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex via internal capsule.
- Sensory information from the face differs:
- 1st order neurone from face (in skin/ mucus/ muscles/ joints) predominantly from the trigeminal nerve (also some from facial/ glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves).
- Trigeminal afferents enters at the lateral body of the pons and synapses with a 2nd order neuron in the trigeminal sensory nucleus.
- The 2nd order neuron in trigeminal sensory nucleus decussates immediately
- joins the contralateral ventral trigeminal lemniscus and travels up to the VPM of the thalamus to synapses with a 3rd order neuron.
- third order neurone travels in posterior limb of internal capsul to the primary somatosensory cortex (Brodmann 1).

What are the two thalami?
what are two key nuclei for sensory input into the thalamus?
Which nucleus receives what type of information?
Where does the thalamus project to?
- The two thalami (L/R) contain a collection of subcortical relay neurons
- There are two nuceli specialised to receive sensory information:
- Ventro posterior medial nucleus (VPM)
- Ventro posterior lateral nucelus (VPL)
- VPM- receives information from the face
- VPL receives information from the rest of the body.
- The thalamus projects to the primary somatosensory cortex.

In the spinal cord where does grey/white matter lie?
What is special about the way the spinal cord is viewed?
- In the spinal cord white matter tracts surround central grey matter with a central spinal canal.
- The grey matter is arranged into a dorsal horn (Sensory), lateral horn (autonomic) and ventral horn (motor)

Fill out the arrows

Describe the organisation of the grey matter in the dorsal and ventral horns of the spinal cord
- The grey matter within the spinal cord is organised into distinct zones with different functions
- These distinct zones are called Rexed Lamina- meaning a layered structure.
- In these zones there are cell bodies of neurones where descending (motor) or ascending (sensory) tracts may synapse.
- The dorsal (sensory horn) is organised into specific zones:
- Zone 1 - pain, temperature and touch
- Zone 2- pain transmission neurones
- The ventral (motor horn) is also organised into these specific zones
- Zones 8 and 9 = lower motor neurones.

Fill in the labels
What is the meaning of the last word on the right three labels?

Funiculus= bundle of nerve fibres enclosed in a sheath of connective tissue forming the main tracts of the spinal cord

Describe the differences in the appearance of axial sections of spinal cord as you descend from the cervical region–> thoracic–> lumbar–> sacral
Why are there these differences?
- Cervical: Larger grey horns as there are a large proportion of sensory nerves and motor nerves needed to innervate the upper limbs
- Thoracic: small grey horns as innervation to the segmental thoracic wall requires few neurons. Note larger lateral horns which contain autonomic nerve cell bodies.
- Lumbar: large grey matter horns due to large proportion of motor and sensory nerves needed to innervate the lower limbs
- Sacral: small white matter tracts given the few white matter tracts at this level.
- There are differences in the proportions of white matter/ grey matter at different levels of the spinal cord depending on the proportion of innervation at different levels. (i.e the amount of fibres coming in and leaving spinal cord).
- N.B remember on pictures below grey matter stains WHITE , white matter stains GREY.

What are the three main sensory pathways in the spinal cord?
- Dorsal column pathway
- Spinothalamic tract
- Spinocerebellar tract
Describe the dorsal column pathway:
1) inputs
2) what sensation this allows us to feel
Inputs: Dorsal column P/W
- Meissener’s corpuscles- Discriminitive touch
- Merkels cells- soft touch
- Pacinian corpuscles- Deep pressure and vibration
- Ruffini endings- touch
- Joint Proprioceptors
- Discriminitive touch
- Vibration sensing
- concious proprioception

Describe the spinothalamic pathway:
1) Inputs
2) sensation detected
- Input: Free nerve endings
- Sensations: Pain/ temperature/ simple touch

Describe the spinocerebellar p/w:
Inputs: ?
Sensation this allows: ?
- Spinocerebellar inputs:
- Muscle spindles
- Golgi tendon organs
- Sensation: Unconcious proprioception

Fill the blanks

Describe the functions of the ascending spinal tracts shown on the image

- Dorsal column pathway generally carries discriminitive touch, vibration and concious proprioception.
- Dorsal column pathway split into two further portions:
- Fasciculus gracilis- carries sensory information inferior to T6 (legs)
- Fasciculus cuneatus- carries sensory information superior to T6 (arms)
- The spinothalamic tract (light blue) carries sensation from free nerve endings allowing pain, temperature and simple touch sensations.
- Spinothalamic tract divided into anterior and lateral parts
- The spinocerebellar tract carries information from muscle spindle and glogi tendon organs allowing unconcious proprioception.