Blakes class review Flashcards
Which pair is mismatched?
Allergic to pen-
Allergic to penicillin-ampicillins
Mechanism is
What like effects
Effective against
Mechanism not understood
Bactericidal (ROS
Effective against anaerobes
Disulfiram-like effect
Inhibitors of DNA synthesis
Effective against gram what and what
Prophylaxis against and is what
Fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, moxifloxacin)
Bactericidal/inhibition of DNA gyrase
Effective against G- aerobic cocci and antipseudomonal
Prophylaxis against anthrax, oral, excellent tissue penetration
Inhibitors of folate metabolism
Compete with
What metabolism and excretion
Compete with PABA in folate synthesis
Generally bacteriostatic
Oral absorption
Liver metabolism and renal excretion
deposits in what
Used to treat severe what
Reversible binds
Bacterio what in blank
Bind reversibly to 30SBacteriostatic in therapeutics
Deposited in bones/teeth (Fe2+)
Used to treat severe acne (topical/oral administration)
Reversible bind to
Broad and what absorption after what consumption
Best what penetration and effective against what
What metabolism and excretion
Reversibly binds 50S subunit and is bacteriostatic
Broad spectrum and rapid absorption after oral consumption
Best CNS penetration and effective against anaerobes
Liver metabolism, renal excretion
Aminoglycosides are…
Rapid excreted by
Poor blank penetration and should be given
And different types
Binds what
Streptomycin, gentamycin, tobramycin, amikacin, and neomycin
Bind 30 S subunit
Rapidly excreted by the kidney
Poor CNS penetration (except in case of inflammation) and should be given parenterally
Against a wide range of what and what
Can cross what
Given what way but exhibits poor blank penetration
Reversibly binds 50S ribosomal subunit and is metabolized by the liver
Against a wide range of G+ aerobics and anaerobic G+ and G-
Bactericidal or bacteriostatic and can cross the placenta readily
Can be given in any way but exhibits poor CNS penetration
Erythromycin is…
Powerless against many blank bacteria
The drug of choice for treatment for
Powerless against many G- bacteria
The DOC for treatment of Legionnaire’s disease and M. pneumonia
Effective against lots of blank but blank is resistant
All except what are eliminated by bile
Binds the blank
All are taken
Bind the 50S subunit irreversibly
Effective against lots of G+, but the majority of G- is resistant to it
All are taken orally
All except Azithromycin are eliminated by bile and through feces
Macrolides and aminoglycosides are generally known as…
Inhibitors of protein synthesis
Broad spectrum what
User only to treat
Inhibits attachment of
Is a broad-spectrum antibioticUsed only to treat TB (second line)
Inhibits attachment of peptide side chain to the peptidoglycan
inhibits transmembrane transport of
Is a blank
Is used blank for blank
Is given
Inhibits transmembrane transport of the peptidoglycan subunits
Is a cyclic polypeptide
Is used topically due to nephrotoxicity
Prevent peptidoglycan what
Causes what
VRE are usually blank
Prevents peptidoglycan elongation and is bactericidal
Is very useful against penicillin/methicillin-resistant S. aureus
VRE are usually resistant to all other antibiotics (drug of last resort
Adverse effects are ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and red man syndrome (flushing from histamine release)
Given what
Blank activity but what resistance
Blank can cause what
Are Imipenem and Meropenem
Given IV only
Broad spectrum activity but pseudomonal resistance may develop (combination with aminoglycosides is recommended)
Imipenem can cause seizures
Are resistant to
No activity against
Blank sensitive
Only what administration
No cross sensitivity with other
Are resistant to B-lactamases
Have no activity against
G+ and anaerobes
Acid sensitive (IM/IV only)
No cross-sensitivity with other b-lactam antibiotics
How toxic are cephalosporins in general?
Safer then what
Can cause
They’re fairly safer than penicillin
Still cause superinfections
Can cause dose-dependend renal tubular necrosis
Synergistic nephrotoxicity with aminoglycosides
Is the what generation blank
Is more resistant to blank
Can only be given
Is excreted what
Has blank activity and better
Is the only 4th generation cephalosporin
Is more resistant to B-lactamase and can only be given parenterally
Is excreted renally
Has antipseudomonal activity and has better G+ coverage
Third generation cephalosporins are:
Metabolized in the blank and excreted by
Good what penetration
Type of drug
Effective against blank and less effective against blank and a few have
Increased blank and are blank resistant
Metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidney
Have good CNS penetration (cefoperazone, cefotaxime)
Are very effective against G-, less effective against G+, and have antipseudomonal activity (few)
Acid resistant and increased B-lactamase resistance
Second generation Cephalosporins
do not:
Lack antipseudomonal activity and are acid sensitive
Which best describes the general properties of 1st generation cephalosporins?
Good G+ coverage and moderate G- activity
No antipseudomonal activity
Renal excretion
Acid resistance-orally given
Cephalosporins attack bacteria by blocking terminal cross-linking of peptidoglycans and by activating cell wall autolytic enzymes.
True or false
What is the single best answer for penicillin toxicity?
Blank type of shock
Give blank to treat type of shock
Blank imbalance
What disturbances
What type of infections
Allergy-anaphylactic shock
(give Epinephrine)
Electrolyte imbalance
GI disturbances
By what means bacteria build resistance against antipseudomonaal penicillins
Destruction by
Alterations in blank to hinder
Inactivation of what
Inactivation ( destruction by b-lactamase)
Decreased permeability of bact.
cell wall or lack of cell wall
Alteration in PBP’s to hinder penicillin binding
Inactivation of autolytic enzymes
Which of the following is not characteristic of antipseudomonal penicillins?
Blank resistant and administered
Acid resistant (can be administered orally
Can Treat B-lactamase-producing
Ampicillin rash is not a hypersensitivity reaction in children or patients with EBV infection
true or false
Name the two most popular extended spectrum penicillins
Ampicillin and Amoxycillin
What major properties do penicillinase resistant antibiotics have?
Lower what and some blank
Some blank coverage
Some are blank stable and type
Blank metabolism and blank exertion
Lower G+ activity, and some G-ve
Some anaerobe coverage
Some are acid stable (oxacillin)
Hepatic metabolism and renal excretion
What three antimicrobial agents are designated antistaphylococcal penicillins?
Which Pen. is only available in oral form?
Pen. V
Penicillin G cause what infections
Penicillin G works against:
T. pallidum
All the following describe Penicillin G’s general properties except
High antipseudomonal activity
Penicillin G properties
Highest G+ coverage
Eliminated through filtration
Eliminated through filtration
Some G-coverage
B-lactamase sensitive
The following are narrow spectrum penicillin, except:
The following are narrow spectrum penicillin
Penicillin G
Benzathine penicillin
Penicillin V
Procaine penicillin
Clostridium dificile has two toxins. Toxin A is an ________.
Clostridium botulinum produces seven different botulinum toxins(A-G). Which types are associated with human infections
A, B,E
Gram positive Spore-forming Anaerobic
Bacilli are all classified as _____.
Clostridium perfringens is associated with two types of food poisoning. Type A is ____.
A mild and self-limited illness of
the GI tract
Clostridium perfringens is associated with two types of food poisoning. Type C is ____.
More serious but rarely seen
GI illness
Bacterial vaginosis involves the overgrowth of Mobiluncus species, an _________ anaerobe.
The absence of leukocytes in Human infections rules out anaerobic infection
true or false
About half the bacteria in cervical and vaginal cultures are anaerobes; cannot be distinguished as indigenous or actually causing infection
True or false
Clostridiums species are most frequently isolated from _____ anaerobic infections
Moderate anaerobes are unable to multiply in an atmosphere containing more than ____
2-8% oxygen
The only anaerobe of interest in the Gastrointestinal tract is ____
C. difficile
Spores of Clostridia may be grouped by the location of the spore. Spores are described as
_____% of bacteria in saliva, nasal washings and gingival and tooth scrapings are anaerobic
Only a few genera of anaerobic Gram negative rods are seen in clinical specimens. Which of these is not one of the major four.
Clostridium histolytica
Gram stain for Actinomyces show thin Gram ______ branching rods
Clostridium. difficile is the only Clostridia infection of ______ origin.
Type C enterotoxin from Clostridium perfringens requires what kind of treatment?
Treatment with antibiotics
Clostridium difficile has two toxins.
Toxin B is an ________.
Blank anaerobes are seldom associated
with human infections
Type A enterotoxin from Clostridium
perfringens requires what kind of
Fluid replacement
Mobiluncus species are______
Gram-positive rods
Right matched pairs
Standard prophylaxis-amoxicillin
Unable to take orally-ampicillin
Allergic to penicillin and can’t swallow pills-cindamycin/cefazolin
Allergic to penicillin-clindamycin/cephalexin/azithromycin