Biological - Sperry Flashcards
.Sperry worked on rats/salamanders
.Cut optic nerves and rewired brains so they would see upside down or move wrong side of body
.thought split brain surgery patients were perfect for testing what each hemisphere did
to study functions of separated and independent hemispheres
contralateral control
each hemisphere controls opposite side of the body
11 patients who’d had SBS - then compared to those who hadn’t
2 (4/5 years ago) vs 9 recent surgery
opportunity sampling
type of experiment
quasi experimnet
split brain or not
ability on tasks
.translucent screen for items to be presented behind
.items that were placed behind screen
visual task procedure
.one eye covered and asked to look at fixation point
.stimuli presented for 1/10 of a second to one or both sides of fixation point
.presented quickly to just allow 1 VF (1 HS) to pick it up
.participants asked to name object, draw it, or pick it up from a selection on the desk
visual task results
LVF (RH): couldn’t name it, could draw it, could select it
RVF (LH): could name it, could identify from pics, could select from table of items
visual task conclusions
LH = language, can identify objects RH = doesnt have language
visual task further test
.RH could solve simple math problem = has maths ability
.RH would laugh at nude pin up, but couldn’t name what they saw = RH has second conscious entity
tactile task procedure
.participants had hands shielded from view
.asked to pick up an object with one hand and say what it was
tactile results
LH: could name item
RH: couldn’t name item, consciously unaware of it
tactile conclusions
LH: clear identification ability
RH: no language ability